Chapter 1: Bryan

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Chapter one: Bryan

"I'll never love another girl the way I love you." He said

We were laying under the stars in the soft green grass. His heart beat in a perfect rhythm as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

A wetness came over my body, and in the quick jerk I was awake. So was he.

"I forgot the sprinklers turned on this early!" He said laughing

He is Bryan, my boyfriend. He was a year older than me and went to college. It's the end of the summer and a week before he leaves to go back. We were on his old high school field, he had planned a date under the stars in the outfield. He always planned cute baseball themed dates.

Me and Bryan have known one another for as long as we could remember. We always played at the same little league and our dads coached out teams every year. I played softball while he played baseball, but we always hung out. We went to different schools, all the way through high school. In all honesty we aren't sure how became such good friends, but we did.

Bryan was not very tall, he stood at around five foot ten inches, much taller than me, but he was on the small side for baseball players. He has these amazing ice blue eyes that some how went perfectly with his brown hair which he was growing out a little over the summer. He called it "flow" I on the other had, called it sexy. Being around him felt like being in a safe zone, Bryan was in reality a giant teddy bear that I always went to with my problems even before we started dating. He was in my mind the perfect boyfriend, if you forgot that he went to school a half hour away,

We had been going out since the summer had started. He asked me to be his girlfriend after I played my last game of softball ever.

"I figured if you were losing one thing maybe I could fill that void for you" I remember him saying

I had graduated and got accepted into Coastal Carolina University, a four year school. Bryan went to a community college about half an hour away. A few weeks into the summer a scout called and asked him if he wanted to play baseball at the Texas Christian university. Bryan of course said yes, it was division one level baseball which he had always dreamed of playing. I've never seen Bryan as happy as he was the day he got off the phone with the scout.

"Babe, this is amazing I get a chance to play D1! I get to keep living out my dream!" He said with a giant smile on his face.

"That's great" I told him, even though I knew very well it meant he would have to go to Texas, over a thousand miles away. Five states would separate us. Yet, he was happy and I wasn't going to be the one to kill his buzz. He wasn't leaving until next year anyway, maybe he will get another offer some place closer.

We got our stuff from the wet grass and headed back to his car. The way he held my hand always felt amazing to me, it was something almost indescribable. We had spent a few nights under the stars on his old field, it was like his safe haven. It was a place I saw him bring down all his walls and open up to me, in return I did the same for him. As we walked up the small hill to his car he started talking about his game later that day.

"Are you coming to my game today?" he asked, I could hear the hopefulness in his voice.

"Of course, you know I never miss a game hun." I replied.

"I know you don't" he laughed, "I just don't want you to feel like you have to come to my games" he added.

"I love coming to your games, it's fun to watch you play" I said,knowing in the back of my mind I had a secret reason for not really wanting to watching him to play. It wasn't him more so as a team mate of his.

He stopped before the car, and he turned to me.

"I swear I'm the luckiest man in the world, I have a beautiful girl who supports me and comes to cheer me on at my games. You're the best sweetheart." He said, and kissed me on the forehead and drew me in close.

At a moment that was supposed to be special, why did I feel like a bad girlfriend? Probably because I knew I didn't want him to leave to go play in Texas, I wanted his dreams and goals in life to revolve around us and our relationship. Yet I probably also felt like an ass because going to his games meant that I had to also see my ex-boyfriend Derek, who I sort of still had feelings for, but would never tell Bryan that.

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