Namjin: Sicky

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Caregiver: Namjoon
Little: Jin *6*
Jin was at home watching a movie, and Namjoon was at work. It was close to evening and it was drizzling outside. Jin decided to play outside as the movie was starting to get boring and felt himself slipping into little space.

He turned off the TV and weared his coat. Jin skipped to the backyard and smiled seeing the soft drizzling. He played outside for 25 minutes until he heard thunder.

Jin ran back inside, he nearly slipped but got a hold of himself. 'Joonie say no wun.' He thought as he remembered the rules, no running. He walked back inside. Took off his wet coat and hanged it on the hanger. He took his shoes off but forgot to shower so he just changed into warm clothes.

Jin layed down on the bed, playing with his BT21 plushies.

2 hours later~

Jin realized the time so he decided to call Namjoon. He picked up after 3 rings.


                                             Joonie! Are chu coming home?

Hi bub! I'm going to be home in 30 minutes. Is something wrong?

                                           Nuu. I jus' check on chu.

Ok bub, I have to go now so I'll see you when I get home. Bye bub, I love you!"

                                     I wuv chu too Joonie! See you!

The call ended and Jin placed the phone beside him, and continued playing with his plushies until he became tired.

Jin layed down and closed his eyes, yawning from tiredness. Not much time passed, and Jin was softly snoring.

35 minutes later~

The door unlocked and Namjoon stepped inside the house. He turned on the lights and walked to the kitchen to get water.

'Jin never sleeps this early. Maybe he's just tired.' Namjoon thought as he gulped down the water. He went to their bedroom and saw Jin sleeping, he smiled softly.

Namjoon showered then came out with pj's on. He slowly got on the bed, not wanting to wake up the little. He backhugged him, and he too, he fell asleep.

The next day~

Jin woke up feeling sweaty, he was really thirsty but was too weak to move but his little panting's from dehydration were enough to wake up his caregiver.

"J-Joonie, I hab water please?" Namjoon could see how sweaty and thirsty the little was, he went to the kitchen to get water for the little. He then returned and gave the water to Jin, who finished it in two gulps.

"Are you ok bub?" Namjoon asked, concerned that his little was feeling like this. Jin shook his head. Namjoon asked Jin to sit, and he did. He got a first aid kit and took the thermometer out.

"Open your mouth bub, I'm going to check your tempature." He got the thermometer and placed it in Jin's mouth. "Close your mouth Jinnie."

Then there was a beep, he removed the thermometer from the little's mouth and checked his temperature , '45°C'.

Namjoon sighed, placing the thermometer on the nightstand. "Bub, you have a fever, be honest with me. What did you do yesterday?" He asked sternly yet softly.

"I-I was watching movie, an' it was dwizzling outside. The movie was boring, so I wanted to pway. I wear coat you gave me befowe. I was pwaying until thunder came, I got scawed so I run to house but I 'member your rule so I walk instead. Got in warm clothes, but fogot to showew." Jin hung his head low as he realized the reason he got a fever.

"Thank you for telling me bub. I'm not mad at you ok? It was no one's fault, just be careful next time that's all." Namjoon whispered as he hugged Jin. Jin hugged him back, feeling bad that Namjoon had to take care of him now instead of going to work.

"Don't be sad bub. It was a mistake, everyone makes mistakes and we learn from them right?" Namjoon tried to sound happy, for Jin, who was looking sad.

"Do you want to cuddles" Namjoon asked, hoping for Jin to say yes, because,  he wanted cuddles from Jin. Jin nodded, smiling.

They both started cuddling. And fell asleep once again.
Hi-Hi Lilies! How r u? I hope ur doing well. My day was decent, so like since today was interim day, there was quiz on math and since it was advanced math, I don't really learn quickly like the others but anyways when I finished I felt really confident with my answers. On the last quiz I got 12/15, am still disappointed but yop. It's okie. I hope u enjoyed this oneshot. I'm a little a happy with this one so yea. Good Night/Evening/Afternoon/Morning Lilies! Ily! Borahae 💜

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