Namgi: Forgive me please Part 2

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I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! Enjoy!

Caregiver: Yoongi
Little: Namjoon *4-5*
Namjoon woke up by the sound of the alarm clock, no longer in little space he was about to get up when something or someone prevented that.

He looked over and saw Yoongi, hugging him. He smiled but it faded when he remembered last night's incident.

He carefully removed himself from his boyfriend's embrace and replaced with Koya and Shooky.

Namjoon sighed and decided to take a shower to clear his mind.

Time skip~

Namjoon just got out of the the shower and he returned to the bedroom for clothes, he could still see Yoongi sleeping.

'How long can he sleep?' He thought, he hoped that Yoongi won't sleeping in their anniversary and his birthday.

He went downstairs to cook breakfast but he remembered that he was supposed to go shopping yesterday since there was no food. So hot his shoes, wore his coat as it was getting chilly and left after getting his keys and locking the door.

Time skip~

Yoongi was sleeping peacefully and was going to hug Namjoon tighter but suddenly remembered that he was supposed to be up before he gets up, but when opened his eyes he just saw Namjoon's plushies.

His mind was now fully awaken, wondering where his boyfriend would be he checked the whole house but nothing.

He entered the living room and sat down on the couch. He questioned himself, 'Where could he be? Is he still in little space? Did he leave me?'

He started to panick so he got himself ready and went our looking for Namjoon. He tried calling and texting him but no reply. He kept on looking for him but nothing.

He then remembered today was their anniversary and his birthday.

He parked the car and banged his head on the steering wheel. He cried, and slowly those cries turned into sobs.

"H-He probably l-left me, I-I'm a horrib-ble caregiver and b-boyfriend.."
He sobbed, he remembered the events from last night.

That was a really quick argument but that really hurt Namjoon since Yoongi showed a really scary side of himself which might've scared him and might make Namjoon more cautious around him.

Those thoughts that flashed through his head made him sob harder.

While Yoongi was sobbing he heard a soft buzzing noise on his phone indicating that someone is calling him.

He wiped his tears and checked the Caller ID, it was his boyfriend.

Yoongi was filled with joy. He was about to answer when it ended and he saw the Namjoon has been calling him for 34 times.

Yoongi was shocked but called him back, he was hoping for him to pick up and he did.

Yoongi: Hello? Namjoon-ah? Whe-

Namjoon: P-Papa? I scwared...c-com home pwease...

Yoongi: Oh baby, I'm sorry, I'm coming home right now. I love you bub.

Namjoon: I wub chu too.

Yoongi hung up and immediately went back home, he hopes that this will never happen again.
Hi-Hi Lilies! I'm back with another chapter and yop! I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday I can FINALLY understand how school is like now.
I hope that I can update regularly. Make sure to look after yourselves and have enough rest. Ily Lilies! Bye! <3 💜

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