OT7: Taetae's Birthday! 💜

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Hi-Hi Lilies! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Enjoy!

Caregivers: Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook

Little: Taehyung *3-4*
Taehyung woke up, with the sunlight hitting his face softly. He was still sleepy until he realized what day it was today.

"IT MY BIWFDAY!" Taehyung shouted out with glee. Today was the day, when Taehyung got a year older.

He suddenly smelled waffles coming from the kitchen. He jumped out of bed and speed-walked to the kitchen and there he saw Yoongi and Jin cooking breakfast.

"Mownin' hyungies!" The little yelled out, catching the attention of Jin and Yoongi. "Morning  Taetae! Happy Birthday!" Jin exclaimed and Yoongi smiled.

"Whewe is ober?" Tae asked curiously, wanting to know where his caregivers are on his birthday. "That's a surprise hon. Don't worry though, they'll be back by breakfast." Yoongi reassured the little.

Tae nodded and walked to the living room to kill some time. He played his favorite cartoon and watched it peacefully.

Time Skip

"Taetae! It's time for breakfast!" Tae heard Yoongi shout from the kitchen. Tae paused his cartoon and walked to the kitchen and sat on the bench. "But Dada, ober not hewe yet!" Tae said, not eating his food until he heard keys jingling from the other side of the main door. Soon, the door opened revealing the rest of the members.

"You back!" Tae exclaimed. "Of course we're back bub! And happy birthday!" Hoseok exclaimed. The other members quickly rush to Jimin's room and came back after a few minutes.

The little giggled and told everyone to sit down and eat.

Everything was fine. The sounds of glass clanking against each other and soft chatters were heard too. Everything was peaceful at the moment.

When everyone finished breakfast, everyone quickly wished Tae a happy birthday again and gave Jin and Yoongi a sign to follow them. All the members except Tae rushed to Jimin's room, finally letting go of this big box that they were hiding from Tae.

The little decided to watch his cartoon again, to continue where he left off.

"So, how are we going to hide this from Tae? He's in little space and he's so curious when he's in little space, that he might find out about the gift we're giving to him." Jungkook panicked, not wanting the surprise to be ruined.

Everyone started thinking on how to make sure the curious little wouldn't find out about his surprise.

"Hmmm, Namjoon and Jungkook, try to distract Tae and the rest of us, we'll just set up everything so he doesn't stress out about it when he's out of little space." Jimin explained to the members.

Meanwhile with Tae

Tae was starting to get bored of his cartoon and just on time, his two favorite caregiver's, walked out of Jimin's room and they both put their attention on Tae.

"So Taetae, what movie are we going to watch?" Namjoon asked, taking the remote in his hand and started scrolling through channels or movies.

"Can we see The Gwinch please?" Tae asked. Namjoon nodded and Jungkook cuddled with Tae. Namjoon played the movie and the three started watching.

During the movie, Namjoon and Jungkook were cuddling Tae while watching the movie and Tae fell asleep when the moving was ending.

"Well, I think they're done with setting everything up. You stay here and look after Tae while I'll go check. Okay?" Jungkook nodded at his hyung's words and cuddled with Tae.

Namjoon knocked on Jimin's room door and the door was opened, revealing a tired Yoongi.

"Hi hyung. Is everything ready?" Yoongi shook his head and opened the door wider to reveal the mess. "It was harder than we expected." Jimin said, lowering his head.

Namjoon was shocked but soon got back to his serious form. "Right, all of you clean this up and I'll help. C'mon!"

An hour later

Everything was now set, the supplies were now in their right place, the room was clean and now Tae needs to wake up and open his gift.

"Jungkook, go and wake up Tae please." Jungkook nodded at Jimin's words and sprinted back to the living room to wake up Tae.

"Taetae, wake up! It's still your birthday and we have a surprise for you." Jungkook said, softly shaking Tae.

"Nuuu, don' wan' wake up...." Tae gave Jungkook puppy eyes to let him sleep a little more but Jungkook ignored it and carried him to Jimin's bedroom.

"Now bub, whatever happens, be nice with it okay?" Tae was confused at his caregiver's words but nodded.

Jungkook opened the door and allowed Tae to walk inside. He saw a medium sized box but with holes on the side.

He saw his other caregivers on the side of the room, smiling softly at the boy. "Don't worry Taetae, it's nothing bad." Hoseok assure him with a smile.

Tae trusted him and the other's too, so he opened the gift slowly, still nervous until he heard a bark. Tae flinched but once he realized what it was he immediately began to open up the gift.

"IT PUPPY!" The little yelled out. "Hon, we're still here, remember to use inside voices, love." Jin reminded Tae.

The little apologized but hugged the puppy, keeping it close to him.

"What are you going to name it, love?" Yoongi asked softly. Tae thought for a second, then replied. "Yeontan!" He replied proudly.

Everyone chuckled at his cuteness and hugged him.

"Happy Birthday Our Taetae!"
Hi-Hi! I'm so sorry for the long wait but I'm back! I hope this oneshot was good! Our Winter Bear is now 26. Time flies so fast...Well,  let's just see him grow happy and healthily!! And...
Happy New Years!! I hope 2022 will do us better than the recent years! Although 2021 wasn't the best, it has beautiful memories too. Goodbye 2021, Hello 2022! Alright, I'll see you in the next oneshot! Bye Lilies! 💜

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