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I hold back a cry as a shooting pain goes through my body. Soon another one comes, a stabbing pain in my stomach. My eyes water as I try not to cry out. If I make a sound I know they won't be happy. I accidentally let a cry slip out when I hear a crack. I look over and my arm's broken. What is happening to me?! I feel another sharp pain and I hear another crack, my leg. I curl up as the pain intensifies. Make the pain stop! Please! I cry out again and bury my face in my pillow so I don't disturb them. I feel my other arm break. Believe it or not, the pain intensifies even more. Black dots start to cloud my vision and I welcome it. Soon darkness engulfs me and with it numbness.


Alaya, Alaya wake up. Who is it? I wonder, no one has ever spoken my name let alone whispered it, it's always been yelling. I groan as I shift my position on my bed. I gasp as the events from last night come flooding back. I hesitantly look at my arms and legs and to my surprise, they look normal. They're a little sore but they're fine, they're not broken. What on earth happened last night? I can tell you.

What? Who are you? I ask, and why are you in my head?

I'm Aphrodite, your wolf.

My wolf? What does that mean? She laughs softly.

It means that you're a werewolf. I gasp,

But werewolves don't exist! She laughs again.

We definitely exist. If not, then you're talking to yourself. Do you want me to explain?


You're a werewolf. Most werewolves get their wolves when they turn 1 you however got your wolf when you turned 17. That's what happens with golden wolves but I'll explain that in a minute. Werewolves usually live in packs. Packs have an Alpha, Luna, Beta, Delta, Gamma, warriours, and then regular pack members. When you don't belong to a pack, such as yourself, you are considered a rogue. Packs hate rogues; they think they're dangerous so you need to stay away from packs. If you run into them they will kill you. Anyway, you're a golden wolf. A golden wolf is special, they're very rare. They have special powers that help them fulfil their mission that the moon goddess that created us assigned them. Golden wolves can create shields and mask their scent as well as others. Right now you can only use your powers on yourself but with practice, you will be able to use it on others. That's all I have to say for now. Do you have any questions?

Yeah, how come I'm only learning about this now?

Well...you're "parents" aren't actually your parents, they were removed from a pack and must have gotten assigned to take care of you. Golden wolves are rare your actual parents must have given you up to hide you. Most likely the elders had heard about you and wanted to take you away.

Can I change into a wolf or is that just a myth? I ask,

You can shift into a wolf.

Really? How? I ask excitedly, Aphrodite chuckles.

Just imagine being a wolf. Imagine having paws and a tail and fur... I open my eyes and in front of a mirror is a huge golden wolf with pale blue eyes, so pale that they look white.


Yup, this is me. This is us in our wolf form. I lower my big wolfy head and examine my paws and sharp nails.

Could I kill my "parents" with these claws?

Why would you want to do that? Aphrodite asks.

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