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Ethan's POV

"Alpha Ethan!" My beta yells as he bursts through the door. "Two of the wolves we had cast out of our pack were found dead this morning." I stopped doing my paperwork.

"What do you mean? What happened to them?"

"We don't know! The delta and I found them lying in bed with their heads cut clean off. There were no signs of struggle or anything. We couldn't even find a scent! Other than them of course." I stood up,

"Let's go." Shifting my beta quickly led me to a house outside of a run-down town. Shifting back we made our way inside and up some stairs.

"There's another room that has some things in there that indicates someone else was living here but there's no scent! Even the few clothes that are in there carry no scent. Not even human, it's so weird!" He exclaims frustratedly. Walking into the room I see the bodies and heads of former pack members Mallory and Cozbi.

"You're right, it looks like they're sleeping...minus the part where their heads have slightly rolled away from their bodies." He snorted,

"Good job Einstein, you figured out the cause of death. Congrats." I rolled my eyes,

"Let's bury them and look around the house some more. Maybe we can find some clues as to who else lived here." As I was looking around I got interrupted by my delta.

Alpha! Hurry to the past gamma's house! Concerned about his alarming voice, Case (beta) and I quickly shifted running into the woods. When we arrived at the house the delta was pacing in front of the door.

"Alpha!" He said rushing to me, "follow me." He swiftly leads me and Case into the house and up the stairs. As we passed the kitchen I spotted a woman's body lying on the kitchen floor.

"What happened there?" I asked as the delta ignored her and continued on his path up the stairs.

"That was the second unlucky person in this household." He swiftly opens a door and walks behind a desk. "Come over here." He says, gesturing to the ground. As we walk around a body slowly becomes visible.

"What happened to him?" Case asks,

"Suffocated to death." He says gesturing to the hand-shaped bruise around his neck. There were also some red puncture wounds on his neck from claw marks.

"Who did it?" I asked,

"We don't know. A third person was living here but from the few things in his room, he was four so he wouldn't have been able to do any of this. His scent is also not in this room. We also found this letter." He said handing me a piece of notebook paper.

How's your son Aiden? Treating him right?

"What happened to the woman?" The delta sighed,

"She was boiling water, the person responsible for killing them must have crept up behind her, and her face was pushed down into the boiling water then the killer snapped her neck." I sighed, rubbing my face.

"Let me guess, the only scent in this house is the parents and this Aiden kid." The delta nods.

"Do you think it's a rogue?" Case asks,

"No, the killing is too neat and organised. But they have to be a werewolf, the claw marks couldn't have been made by anything else." I turn to the delta. "I want you and some warriors to stay alert and inform me if any other dead bodies turn up okay?" The delta nods. "Come on Case," I say sighing, "we need to get back to the pack."


Thanks for reading!

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