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The next morning Isaac had another accident. I wiped away some of his tears.

Hey, Isaac, look at me. Isaac stopped looking at his feet and looked up. You're safe now okay? You can ask for things that you need and I'll see if I can do it okay? I will never get mad at you for asking something. Isaac sniffled, don't be afraid to ask.

After Isaac had calmed down and we had eaten breakfast we went into town.

What's the rule? I asked them.

"To be holding someone's hand at all times--" Aiden said,

"And for you to see us!" Interrupted Isaac. I smiled down at them.

Good job! Who wants to go to the library first? I asked.

"What's that?" Asked Isaac.

It's a place with lots of books. Isaac, Aiden, and Esme's eyes widened.

"Lots and lots of books? Let's go!" Aiden shouted.


After going to the library I took them to the bakery.

Order whatever you like! Aiden happily skipped up to the display of baked goods. Esme followed hesitantly behind, she hadn't been to a bakery before.

"Come on! Come on! I'll show you the food!" Aiden exclaimed, pulling on her wrist. I noticed that Isaac had hung back.

What's wrong Isaac? Don't you want a snack? I watched as he stood on one of his shoes wringing out his hands. Something's wrong Aphrodite. I went and knelt so I could make eye contact with him. Isaac? Is something wrong? Remember, you can say what's on your mind, I listen and then try to help you as best I can. I held his hand reassuringly, placing it on my heart. Feel this? My steady heartbeat? My heartbeat would be faster if I was lying. You can even look in my eyes, I'm telling the truth, I won't get mad I promise. Slowly Isaac raises his head and we lock eyes.

"Promise?" He whispers, his eyes filled with unshed tears. I smiled gently.

Promise. He looks away uncertainly and then locks eyes with me again.

"Am I allowed to get something as well? Aren't you annoyed having to spend money on someone like me? I'm little, that means I don't need to eat as much." Tears spring to my eyes. I bring him in for a hug.

Are you listening, Isaac? It's important that you understand what I'm saying. I feel a nod. You never have to be afraid to ask for food, okay? Food is what helps you grow big and strong. Without food, you'll get sick and I don't want you to get sick okay? I want you to grow up to be my strong healthy boy, yeah? He sniffs,

Yeah. I pull away slightly.

Let's go get you a snack okay? I'll help you choose, and if you don't want to eat a whole thing we can share alright? He looks at me smiling.

"Okay! Let's go!" Aphrodite chuckles as Isaac practically drags me over to the counter. "Can we get that?" He asks hesitantly, pointing to a croissant.

Sure! After Esme orders for us and I pay I lead them outside to a playground to eat. When you've finished eating you can play on the playground for a bit, then we need to buy some food and then head back okay? They all nod, happily munching away at their food. After, Aiden and Isaac ask me to push them on the swings as Esme swings herself. After that we go to the grocery store and get our monthly food, then we head back to our cave.


I sit with the kids as we eat dinner, my mind drifting. On the way back to the cave I had caught a bad sour scent around the lake and on some trees.

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