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Alaya's POV

What are you doing?! I ask in alarm as Ethan led me to a room and shut the door.

"Showing you our room?" He explains with a hint of confusion, only I didn't notice, too busy scanning the room, looking for any way to escape.

IneedtogetoutIneedtogetout! My mind raced as I panicked. Had I been in this situation a year or so ago I would be listening to what Ethan was saying, however, I had gotten used to not being around grown male wolves and now I was paying the price. Stupid! How could I have thought things would be better?! I was broken out of my thoughts by Aphrodite's yelling.

Alaya! Calm down, he's our mate remember? He would never hurt us.

How do you know? I protest, he's a male, just like the others! A hand on my arm brings me back to the present. Quickley I back up, Don't touch me! Ethan takes a step toward me with concern in his eyes.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Ethan's POV

When all she did was stay silent and look at the floor I sighed. Maybe get one of the omegas? Maybe she'll talk to one of them? Alex suggests, quickly I exit the room shutting the door behind me.

You think she'll talk to an omega? Who should we send?

Sabirah, she would be the best choice, given her personality. Agreeing I mind link her.


Yes, Alpha?

Could you go to my room? The Luna, my mate, is in there but something's wrong. She won't talk to me so I was wondering if she would talk to you.

Of course Alpha, I'll go right away.

Sighing in relief I make my way towards my office to get some pack work done.

Alaya's POV

I startle from my relaxed position as a knock on the door sounds. What do I do? I panic, I can't speak and I don't want to open the door.

Alaya, Aphrodite says, you can speak you just don't as a coping mechanism/to protect yourself. If you don't think you can speak, open the door. It's not Ethan it's an omega and if anything goes bad I'll be there as well. Taking a deep breath I hesitantly open the door. I'm taken slightly by surprise by the wolf that greets me.

"Hi Luna," she greets bowing slightly, "how are you?" She asks, "may I come in?" She asks smiling a little. I nod slightly, backing up into the room and letting her in. "My name's Sabirah, what's yours?"

Alaya, I sent.

"That's a nice name." I smile slightly,

Thanks, I think your name is really pretty.

"Are you Alpha Ethan's mate?" Sabirah asks, I tense but nod. "Alpha Ethan says that he found you living in a cave with pups that weren't yours." My eyes flash for a second,

They are mine!

"Oh, I'm sorry!" She quickly apologizes, "I was informed that they weren't yours." After taking a second she continues, "Alpha also said that you had killed quite a few wolves. Are you alright? Did something happen?" Concern was prominent in her eyes.

They deserved it! Aphrodite growled, they were abusing the pups! It's our job to protect abused pups! Understanding filled Sabirah's eyes as she seems to realize something.

"I think that's wonderful, it must have taken a lot of courage." She hesitates, "can I...can I ask if you...were affected in any way?" Preparing myself I start,

If you're asking if I was abused then the answer is yes. I don't know why I was answering her so easily but I found myself opening up to this woman.

I bet you can't guess what types of wolves abused us. Aphrodite chuckles dryly.

"Males?" She asks softly, I nod as tears pool in my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall.

Yeah, first just by my "father", then by his friends as well. They...I stopped, should I really be telling her all this? I looked up at her and I saw her patiently listening. There was no judgment in her eyes.


By the time I was finished explaining Sabirah's eyes glowed with rage. Hesitantly she put her hands over mine. "I'm sorry you had to go through that Luna. If you ever need someone to talk to I'll be here to listen."


Thanks for reading!

The name Maya means good mother.

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