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Alaya's POV

As we continue walking I slowly start to relax.

See? Aphrodite asks, this isn't too bad. Just don't let him go behind you. Even though he's our mate we need to be able to see him at all times.

What do you think is going to happen when we get there? I ask,

I don't know. I'm guessing he's probably going to show us the packhouse and maybe introduce us to the pack, maybe his parents if they're still alive. My eyes widen a bit.

Why wouldn't they be alive?

Being a werewolf is hard. We've managed to stay safe so far but protecting a pack against rogues and vampires and other things is actually quite dangerous.

Ethan's POV

I don't like those pups, Ethan. Alex growls at me. I almost trip at his statement.

Why not?

Because, they're not ours, and they're related to werewolves that were sent away. For a very good reason might I add.

Well, what am I supposed to do?

We could send them away?

Dude! I exclaim, they've been abused and neglected their whole life! And they're just pups! I'm not going to make them fend for themselves because my wolf's jealous! Alex grumbles,

You should...she's our mate, not theirs. I roll my eyes,

Aww is wittle Awex sad? Do you need a biiiig hug? I tease,

Leave me alone, he grumbles. I continue my jog as I glance back at my mate and the pups every few minutes.

Oh! I know! We could send them to the pack shelter? Alex asks hopefully. They'll be taken care of and we'll have our mate to ourselves! I sigh,

Yeah, that'll work, nice thinking Alex. Suddenly a voice interrupts,

Excuse me? Alpha? When will we arrive? The pups are tired. I glance back,

In a few more minutes. Tell the pups when we get there that they'll be given some food and then they'll get to meet some more pups.

Alaya's POV

In a few more minutes. Tell the pups when we get there that they'll be given some food and then they'll get to meet some more pups.

Pups? When we arrive stay close to me okay? They're going to give us dinner and then you'll get to meet some more friends okay?

Friends!? Aiden asks excitedly, I can't wait!

Yeah me too! Isaac agrees.

A few minutes later we arrive at a clearing, Stopping behind the Alpha I look around. There are tons of small houses and a few large ones.

Follow me, he sends walking towards one of the huge houses. I put my shield up as I cautiously follow behind him. Lots of werewolves pause their play and conversations to watch as we walk by.

I have never been more uncomfortable in my life! I exclaim,

Tell me about it, Aphrodite grumbles, they don't have to stare. Aphrodite lets out a warning growl, causing most of the pack members to look away. I relax a bit once their eyes are off me and my pups.

Noticing something in my way I come to a stop almost walking into the Alpha.

This is the packhouse, follow me. My eyes widen, this is the packhouse? More like three mansions pushed together! This is huge! They must have a big pack. Cautiously I follow him through the door and into a room.

This is the living room. Stay here and I'll have someone bring you some clothes so you can shift. Turning away he links someone. With him facing away I move towards the couch.

Climb onto the couch pups, you'll be safe on there. They all climb off my back and onto the couch.

Aphrodite? Amor links, I'm scared. I turn towards her bumping my snout in her hand.

Don't worry, I'll protect you.

Yeah! Adien exclaims, she's the golden wolf! I let out a playful growl,

Don't worry Amor! I'll protect you from the scary monsters! No harm will come to the princess! They all giggle softly, even Apollo cracks a smile. Suddenly a voice interrupts.

"Can you shift? I brought you some clothes." Whirling around growling in surprise I see my mate standing with some clothes in his hands. He tosses them to me and then turns around. Shifting I quickly sling on the undergarments and dress.

You can turn around now. He turns around and smiles, then he looks at the pups.

"Would you guys like some food?" I feel all the pups tense behind me and little hands clutching onto my dress.


I'm sorry this took so long! These last couple of months have been quite busy and hectic.

Thanks for reading!

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