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Alaya's POV

Without turning around I slowly back up and sit down on the couch gathering the pups in my arms. Shhh, it's okay, I'm giving you a snack okay? Aren't you hungry? You deserve a snack after all the events that have happened today, you've earned one don't you think? I don't want my pups to get sick, could you eat something for me? I ask gently, slowly all the pups nod. Looking back up at the Alpha I glare,

Where's the kitchen?

"This way," he says, motioning with his hands. Standing up we follow him into the kitchen. I lead them over to a table.

Stay here and I'll get you guys a snack okay? They nodded so I turned to face the Alpha.

Can you make them some toast? He nods and turns around. I turn back to the pups.

When he's done, eat as much as you can okay? If you don't finish your toast that's alright, I won't be mad. The pups all nod, smiling. I sit by them as we wait for the Alpha to finish making the toast.


After sitting at the table for half an hour waiting for the pups to finish their toast the Alpha started to pace. I glared at him as all the pups started to shift uncomfortably.

They're having a hard enough time as it is and your restlessness is not helping Alpha! I growled, please stop, they're almost done. He looks at me impatiently, his eyes showing his wolf.

How long does it take to eat a piece of toast? He almost whines, we've been sitting here for half an hour! I unintentionally let Aphrodite out.

Just be patient! They're almost finished.

"Okay okay, sheesh," he says raising his hands in surrender.

"Alaya," Aiden whispers, "I finished." He says with a grin, I smile down at him,

Good job Adien! He beams with pride, turning to Isaac he whispers something which causes Isaac to shove the last bite or so in his mouth. He turns to me and grins, a couple of crumbs falling out. I smile back chuckling a little. Good job Isaac, I'm so proud of you!

We wait a couple of minutes for the other three pups to finish and then the Alpha motions for us to follow him. Cautiously, with the pups close behind, I follow the Alpha out of the house.

"Over there," he says pointing to a dirt field, "is where most of the pack warriors train, and over there," he says pointing to a more grassy field, "is where most of the pups and other wolves hang out and play." He slows down as we arrive at a building, "this is the pack shelter." I tense a bit,

What for? He sighs,

"Sometimes our warriors don't make it and that essentially kills their mate leaving their pups parentless. Other times we'll find an abandoned pup outside our borders and we'll take them in. This is where they stay." He opens the door, making it easier to hear all the loud noise, "follow me, I want you to meet Maya." I cringe as we slowly follow him inside.

Once inside the pups and I are completely overwhelmed. There were pups of all ages running around, playing, yelling, and laughing with each other. "Alaya?" Amor whispers tugging on my shirt, "I don't like this, can we leave?" I push away my panic in order to comfort the pups.

Soon, we're just going to meet a nice lady and then you'll get to meet some new friends! I exclaim, trying to hide my panicked voice. Suddenly an arm grabs me and I jerk back.

"Sorry," a familiar voice says, I turn around to face the alpha, letting out a shaky breath. "Follow me," slowly he leads us through the house and into a big kitchen. Inside there's an elderly lady standing at the stove cooking something while scolding two pups soaked to the bone in water. When she's done they scurry away as the Alpha approaches her. Her face breaks out into a warm smile.

"Ethan! How are you?"

"I'm good! How are you holding up?" He asks hugging her. She sighs smiling a little,

"As best you can when looking after twelve pups." Ethan chuckles and then motions towards me.

"Maya, I would like to introduce you to my mate and five pups that will be joining you." Quickly drying her hands on a towel she walks over to me. Holding her hand out to shake she smiles,

"It's a pleasure to finally meet the Luna of the Marcella Abhi pack!" I look at Ethan puzzled as I cautiously shake Maya's hand.

It's a pleasure to meet you too. I say, offering a small smile.

"Come, follow me," she says motioning with her hand. Hesitantly the pups and I trail after Ethan and Maya.

Upstairs we stop at a door, opening she motions us in. "This room will be where the pups can stay. Ethan told me about the situation so I made sure that the pups could stay together so that they could feel more safe and comfortable." I stiffened,

What do you mean this is where they're going to stay? I asked cautiously. Maya looked at me with confusion in her eyes,

"These are rescued pups? They're not yours?" Slowly I nod, she smiles gently, "this is where abandoned and rescued pups stay until they're adopted or they're old enough to move out." Panic starts to creep its way in as Aphrodite tries to take over.

I take care of them! They're mine to protect! Maya and Ethan look at each other and then Maya looks back at me.

"Don't worry Luna, I understand that you're worried but I'll take good care of them."

No, I'm not leaving them. Maya looks behind me and addresses the pups.

"Would you like to stay here?" They shake their heads.

Ha! Aphrodite mumbles to herself. Maya pretends to look sad,

"Why not? I was looking forward to having new friends." The pups all watch her, "who will help me bake cookies? Who will I read bedtime stories to if you guys aren't here?"

"There's other pups here silly!" Aiden whispers with a slight giggle in his voice. Maya pouts,

"But I want to spend time with you guys, you seem so cool!" She puts her hand under her shin while she thinks. "What if I offer you pups a deal?" They look at her curiously. "What if you guys stay here for the rest of the day and we'll have so much fun, but if you don't like it then Luna can come to pick you up." The pups all look hesitant as Isaac clutches my hand.

"Come on pups!" Ethan says, "you guys will have so much fun and you'll be able to make new friends!"

What are they doing? Aphrodite growls, they said no! Suddenly Esme speaks up in a whisper.

"If we don't like it we get to go back with Alaya?" Confusion shone in both Ethan and Maya's eyes until they connected the dots and realized that Alaya was my name. Maya smiles at Esme.

"Of course, if you guys don't have fun then you guys can go back with her, and even if you do have fun she can still visit. Come on," she says motioning with her hand, "let go into the kitchen and bake some cookies for the other pups." Slowly all the pups behind me make their way towards Maya as my heart starts to race.

I don't like this, Aphrodite growls,

Me either, I whimper.

"Come on Alaya," Ethan says reaching for my arm. My eyes flash,

Don't touch me! Holding his hands up he starts to walk back the way we came.

"Come on, let's go back to the packhouse." Reluctantly I follow, my heart growing heavier the further away am I from the pups.


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