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Ethan's POV (Dream)

"Ethan..." The feeling of soft hands creasing my hair and the gentle voice of my mother slowly made me open my eyes.

"Mum?" I squint as the light seems to blind me. "Is that you?" A soft laugh makes its way to my ears.

"Of course, it is." My eyes seem to well up as I fling my arms around her.

"Mum! I missed you! Everything's a mess! I don't know what to do!" She lets out a soft sigh as she pulls me into a hug.

"So it seems," she says sadly, "it seems that the Moon Goddess never intended for you to have a mate, she's planned it so that you rule the pack mateless, making your decisions by yourself or with beta Case." My heart aches,

"What about Alaya? Isn't she my mate?" My mum lets out another sigh,

"Can't you see how scared and unhappy she is? As the Golden Wolf, she doesn't care about having a mate. All she cares about is protecting her pups. Golden Wolves don't have the same instinct to seek a mate as other werewolves do. They were created to be selfless and protect others. Even if you were to miraculously help her through all the trauma she experienced and be friends, that's all you would ever be. She'll never want to start a family of her own with you. To her, the pups she rescues are her only family and the only family she will ever need. And..." she says, her warm voice taking on a warning tone. "You need to have a long talk with Alex, he is being downright horrid! I cannot believe he would say such things! He needs to real in that jealousy of his." I hang my head in embarrassment.

"Yes mum," I tighten my hold on her, "am I going to be alone forever?" She smiles softly,

"Of course not! Although you'll never have a mate you'll still find a partner, they may be human or they may be a werewolf who's lost their mate, but you won't be entirely alone." I smile up at her, thankful for her advice.

"Thanks, mum," I say, she smiles at me softly,

"Anytime, and remember, you need to let her go."

Alaya's POV

Alaya, ALAYA, ALAYA! I jolt awake to Aphrodite screaming in my head.

What?! What?! I ask, looking around in panic,

We need to leave before the rest of the pack wakes up and before Ethan tries to stop us!

Slowly the events of last night come flooding back and I rush to my feet causing the pups to tumble to the ground and wake up.

"Alaya?" Adien mumbles tiredly, suddenly his eyes widen, "ALAYA!" he gasps, "you're here!" His excited whispers quickly wake up the rest of the pups.

"Alaya!" Isaac cheers as he rushed to hug me,

"You're back!" Esme says, happily. Amor and Apollo rush to each other and Apollo looks at me with a smile.

Come one guys, we're leaving, and guess what? Once we get to our new home I have a surprise for you!

"We're leaving!? Aiden asks excitedly,

"What surprise!?" Isaac excitedly asks, I smile,

Yes, we're leaving, and I can't tell you the surprise that'll spoil it! Quickly the pups all stand up. Stay in your wolf forms okay? That way we'll all be able to run and we'll be able to move faster. Nodding they all follow me as I head towards the door. Nudging the door open with my snout I quietly lead them through the corridors and out the front door into the cool morning air. The sun was just beginning to rise while the pack slept. This way, I said, herding them all towards the forest.

We hurriedly run through the forest until we're at least a mile away and then I let them walk for a bit. Suddenly there's a snap of a twig, whirling around my shield is placed over the pups in the blink of an eye. I growl as my eyes glow, signalling that Aphrodite is half in control. My growls grow louder as Alpha Ethan makes himself know. He raises his hands as he slowly approaches us, stopping when he's a few feet away.

"I'm not going to try and stop you." He says, surprising me. Slowly my growls die down. "I just wanted to apologize and see you guys off." I tilt my head as I try to process what he's saying, he wants to what? "I understand now that what I did was wrong. I was so excited to have found my mate and annoyed that you seemed to have adopted pups that I didn't stop to think how you felt or how the pups felt. I forced you to come to my pack and prevented you from seeing the pups and I'm extremely sorry." I study him as he stares at me with eyes full of truth.

I forgive you, thank you for letting us leave. I say turning around and guiding my pups forward. 

Each step we took, took us further away from the pack and closer to our new home. The closer to our new home we got the more relaxed and excited we all became.


Thank you guys so much for reading my book! I hope you guys liked it? Again, thanks for reading!

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