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The sun had started to rise as we arrived at the entrance of our cave. As soon as my front paw hit the stone Isaac, Aiden and Esme were running over to us.

"Who are they!?" Isaac asked excitedly.

"Are they going to live with us now!?" Aiden asked, I felt Apollo shift so that Amor was secure in his arms.

Calm down, okay guys? Back up a bit so I can shift and then we'll introduce ourselves. Esme gently pushed Isaac and Aiden back so that Apollo and Amor could get off my back.

After shifting we all moved over to the sleeping area. Apollo, Amor this is Esme, Aiden and Isaac. I rescued them just like I rescued you two. We all live here and we would love it if you came to live with us as well. Apollo steps a bit in front of Amor.

"What are our roles?" He asks cautiously.

Stay safe and listen to me. Apollo stays tense but nods,

"Okay, we'll stay." I smile,

Great! Who wants to go swimming? Aiden lets out a whoop for joy as Isaac starts jumping up and down.

"We do! We do!" Aiden exclaims.

Go get ready and then stay with Esme. I'm going to get Apollo and Amor bathing suits, okay? They nod excitedly as they rush out of the front of the cave. Follow me. I say turning away from the twins. As we enter the section holding our clothes I walk over to my section. We need to go to the store to buy clothes for you but for now, you guys can use one of my shirts. It'll be a little big but it'll cover you. I give them each a shirt and then move behind one of the walls to change.

When I walk back in, the twins haven't moved from their position. They're facing the exact same way, standing straight, holding the shirts I gave them. Aphrodite? What's going on?

It seems these pups are used to strict rules, orders and schedules. You're going to need to be more specific when you're telling them what to do. Tell them what they need to do instead of assuming they'll just do it. I'm assuming they used to get severe punishments for assuming things. I hurry in front of the twins.

I apologize Apollo and Amor. Confusion swims in their brown eyes. I should have told you what to do sooner. Take off your old clothes, put on the shirt and then hand me your old clothes. Okay? Silently they start to strip. I hurriedly close my eyes and rush out of the room. I didn't mean in front of me! I sigh, this is going to be difficult.

After swimming and lunch, I left the younger pups with Esme and hurried to town. I quickly went around the store buying the clothes the twins would need. Then I went to the bakery to buy a muffin for each of them. As I was waiting in line I thought back to lunch.

We had all sat down and I had made everyone a turkey and cheese sandwich. Everyone was eating when I noticed the twins were standing off to the side just watching. More specifically watching me. I stopped serving Esme and walked over to them. Realizing I was walking over to them their eyes widened as they quickly lowered their heads, bearing their necks in submission. I squatted and gently grasped both their hands.

Look at me, please. Slowly I was met with two pairs of brown eyes. I smiled. I think your eyes are really pretty, you know that? Amor's eyes sparkled as she started to smile. Do you think you could let me see them more often? Hesitantly, Amor nodded. I grinned, good, now, you must be hungry right? Apollo stiffened as Amor hesitantly nodded again. Well, guess what? A rule in this family is you tell me what you need and/or want and I'll try my best to help you, and I won't ever get mad. When we sit down for a meal everyone sits down to eat. Okay? Apollo hesitantly nodded as Amor grinned. Slowly I guided them towards the "table" and we all sat down to eat.

After lunch, Aiden and Isaac had decided to show Apollo and Amor the reading room and the school work I had been teaching them. Esme had stayed and helped me clean up from lunch.

Esme? Do you think you could watch them while I run to town real quick and get some things? I'll ask Apollo and Amor to help.

"Sure, go do what you need to do, I can take care of things here."

Are you sure? She gives me a reassuring smile.

"Yes, go, before Aiden and Isaac find out. They'll want to go with you." After giving her a quick hug I ran out of the cave, shifting as I went.


Once I was at the store I quickly went over to the pet section. I bought some chew toys for the pup's teeth. Then I went over to the toy section and got them each a stuffed animal. This should be enough right? They can scent mark these instead of the trees and things around our cave.

Yeah, this should be enough. Now hurry! I sense something wrong! Alarmed, I quickly paid and then shifted as I sprinted through the woods towards the cave.

Arriving in less than fifteen minutes I came to a halt as I smelt an unfamiliar scent on some of the trees surrounding the cave. Rogue. Quickly I ran towards the cave, my shield surrounding me. I growled as I took in the sight. Two rogues were cornering the pups, all hidden behind Esme who was terrified.

Focus Alaya! Aphrodite growled. I kept my eyes on the pups as I created shields around them.

Pups! Run around the rogues to me! I'll meet you halfway. Don't be afraid. I said as Aiden whimpered. Do you see the light glowing around you? That's my shield. The rogues won't be able to touch you. Now hurry. As the pups and I quickly made our way towards one another, one of the rogues lunged at Esme as the other lunged at me. They were quickly thrown back as the shield shocked them. Whimpering and growling they got up again. 

By now we had managed to reach each other and the five pups were huddled behind me. I'm going to distract them and you guys are going to hide in the reading room, okay? I got whimpers in response. Ready? GO! I demanded as I lunged for the first unsuspecting rogue, sinking my teeth into his jugular. He lets out a howl as he tries to shake me loose. The other rogue gets thrown off me again as he gets shocked by my shield. When he goes limp I turn to the stunned rogue on the floor and pounce, extending my claws and slicing his neck. 

Quickly I grabbed them and dragged them towards the river a bit away from our cave. Jumping in after I tossed them in I quickly rinsed the blood out of my fur and ran back to the cave.

Shaking the water out of my fur I quickly made my way towards the reading room. "Alaya! They shouted barreling into my legs. I lay down inviting them to sit with me. Curling around them I surrounded them with my warm comforting fur.

Is everyone okay? They all nodded, starting to relax in the warmth of my fur. Guess what? They all looked up at me. When I was in town I got everyone a present. The pups brightened.

"Really?" Isaac asked, "what is it?" I gave them a wolfy grin.

Stay here and I'll go get them. I got up and walked into a different section of the cave. Shifting and slinging on a dress, I grabbed the bag I dropped at the entrance of the cave. 

Walking back towards them I beckoned them over. Come here. As they walked over I reached into the bag and pulled out a stuffed penguin. Isaac, this is for you. Next, I pulled out a stuffed elephant. Adien this is for you. Then I pulled out a stuffed giraffe. Amor, this is for you. After that, I pulled out a stuffed panther. Apollo this is for you. Lastly, I pulled out a stuffed wolf for Esme. Esme this is for you. I watched as they all had smiles on their faces as they hugged their new stuffed animals. These are for you to scent mark instead of the trees around the cave. That way no one will know where we're staying. I also got these. I pulled out a few chew toys. These are for your teeth so they don't hurt as much while you're teething. Isaac runs over and hugs me.

"Thanks, Alaya!" I wrap my arms around him.

You're welcome.


Thanks for reading!

The name Apollo means destroyer, the name Amor means love.

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