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Three months have passed and Esme has morphed from a quiet shy girl to a friendly, fun protective girl. Last week when we had to go to town to buy more food I decided it would be okay for them to come along. Esme didn't let Aiden out of her sight once, they maintained contact the whole outing. When we weren't playing or training I was teaching Aiden and Esme. I couldn't send them to school. It was too risky. I was teaching them head, shoulders, knees, and toes in Spanish when something felt off. Aphrodite?

There's another one, three hours away.

Guys? I have to go, I'll be gone for about eight hours, you need to stay inside the cave okay? Esme nodded realizing what I meant. I gave them both a hug and then got up to leave. Is the child in any pain?

Not at the moment, no? I don't know, they need rescuing but I can't sense any injuries. After running for three hours I come across a cottage in the woods on the edge of a town. I shift and put on some clothes. I carefully walk around the edge of the house peering through windows.

I can only sense the child should I go in?

Yes. I quietly open the door and walk-in. I hear humming so I walk in that direction. I walk through the kitchen and find a four-year-old boy playing with trucks in the living room. He stops humming and sniffs the air, he then turns around with a huge smile on his face.

"Hi, my name's Isaac what's yours?" I was a little taken back at how friendly and cheerful he was.

My name's Alaya. How are you?

I'm great! Why are we talking like this? I smiled,

I'm talking like this because I can't talk. Why are you talking like this? He giggles,

I don't know. Wanna see my trucks?

Sure. Isaac ran off to go get his trucks. What do I do? He seems fine, he seems happy.

We found him for a reason, we should take him with us.

Isn't that kidnapping?

No, we only sense pups that need help. Isaac needs help, we just don't know why.

Alright if you say so. Just then Isaac comes running back into the room, holding two trucks in his arms.

"This," he says holding a green one up for me to see, "is my tank truck, and this," he says holding up his red one, "is my fire truck." I kneel down so we're the same height.

Those are so cool. Isaac beams. Where are your parents? I ask.

"I don't know, they left days ago and they haven't come back yet, but they will, they usually do." I frown, that's not right.

Well, do you want to come with me? I know two children who would love to meet you. Isaac's eyes widen in excitement.

"New friends?!" I smile,

Yup! New friends!

"Okay I'll come, can I bring my trucks?" I nod. We walk outside the cabin.

Can you ride on my back and hold on tight? Isaac nods, I take off my clothes and quickly shift. Just as Isaac's about to climb onto my back a growl cuts through the air. Isaac, cover your eyes and don't open them until I say okay? He nods and covers his eyes. I put a shield around him and then turned to the other wolves. I push into their minds, I don't know what you've done to him but I know one thing you should never leave a four-year-old alone for an hour let alone days! With that, I lunge and quickly slice the female's head off the male soon meets the same fate as his mate. I trot over to where Isaac is standing, still covering his eyes. Don't look behind you okay? Just climb onto my back. He opened his eyes and climbed onto my back, once I'm sure he's safe I took off at a run eager to get back to the cave.

When we arrived at the cave Aiden and Esme were sleeping in my bed. Esme? Aiden? Wake up there's someone I'd like you to meet. They start to stur, Esme opens her eyes. They widen when she spots Isaac.

"I'm Esme, what's your name?" Isaac moves out from behind my legs and grins.

"Isaac." Esme shakes Aiden awake,

"Aiden, we have a new sibling!" Aiden's eyes pop open. He sits up and looks around, when he sees Isaac he also grins.

"Do you want to see my trucks?" Isaac asks, Aiden and Esme nod.

Why don't you two show Isaac around okay? I'm going to make dinner. While they're gone I go outside to collect pine needles for Isaac's bed. When I finish I go to the kitchen to make dinner. I've just finished setting the table when Esme bursts in. I rushed to her panicked. What is it?! What's wrong?! I ask.

"It's Isaac, he's had an accident."


"The reading room." I ran there expecting the worst. When I arrive I find Isaac crying standing in the middle of a puddle. Aiden is standing off to the side, not sure what to do. I rush to Isaac's side.

Isaac, what happened? I ask, wiping his tears away.

"I'm...I'm sorry" he hiccups,

It's okay. I say, why didn't you say you needed to go? We would have let you. Isaac looks up at me.

"Really?" I look at him, puzzled.

Of course, why would we not? Isaac shrugged,

"Mummy and daddy didn't like it when Isaac asked for things." My eyes water,

Oh, Isaac. I turned to Esme and Aiden, how would you guys like to go for a swim? They all grinned, alright you guys get ready and I'll clean up then we can go for a quick swim before dinner okay? Aiden and Isaac cheered and dashed off to get into swimsuits while Esme followed behind them. Aphrodite, what just happened? Aphrodite sighed.

It seems Isaac was in need of our help after all. From what I can tell he has difficulty communicating.

What can I do to help?

Make it clear you'll listen to his needs and look for signs that he might need something. Once everyone was ready we all went to the edge of the cave and jumped into the water.

How would you all like to go to town tomorrow? I asked Aiden let out a whoop of joy.

"Really? Can we?" I nod smiling,

"What's town?" Isaac asks, Esme turns to him.

"A town is a place with lots of buildings. When you go in you can get food or clothes or toys and there are lots of people." Isaac's eyes widen,

"Cool! Let's go to town!" I smile,

First, we have to get dried, dressed, and eat dinner. We can go to town first thing in the morning, okay? They all nodded, happy.


Thanks for reading!

The name Esme means Emerald/Protector/Loved.

What do you think the name Isaac means?

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