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Alaya's POV

Guys, can you come to the front of the cave, please? I sent, immediately I heard the thumping of five pairs of feet running my way. Sit on your beds. Once everyone was seated I sat in the middle of the room. Okay, so, the big scary wolves you saw a couple of days ago? Those were evil rogues. I gave you guys the stuffed animals so that you could have something to scent mark instead of the trees outside our cave. If a wolf ever finds us again we need a plan. I'm going to be leaving you guys alone less and less frequently but if you were to ever get cornered by a rogue you should use your link to call me okay? If a wolf ever finds us we need to stay in the main section of the cave so that we're not cornered, okay? The pups nodded.

Alright, enough serious talk. Who wants to go swimming? And then maybe we can go on a run in the woods? The pups grinned. All right then go change into some swimsuits!

Ethan's POV

Alpha! We've found more bodies.


The gamma found two at the edge of the north woods. The delta and I found two rogues floating down the main river. This wolf's getting bolder.

Follow the river back up. See if you can catch anything unusual or see if you can spot anywhere our killer may be staying. I'll catch up, tell the gamma and delta to head back to the pack. I'll bring along some warriours. Quickly finishing some paperwork I headed towards the woods with some warriours following behind later.


Once I had caught up I shifted back. "Find anything unusual?"

"I've found a lot of dead uprooted trees, but they look like they've been uprooted for a while. I've also found a spot that looks like there should be a giant rock but nothing's there." As we keep walking Case keeps telling me what he's found so far. "There also still isn't a scent. A few feet ago I smelt one of the rogues but other than regular woodland creatures I haven't smelt anything else. We kept walking, keeping our eyes, ears and nose open. As the wind shifted I caught a scent.

"Case!" I called him. He came jogging back as I pointed towards a tree. "Smells like three young werewolves. Let's see if we can follow the scent." Shifting we put our snouts to the ground trying to pick up the same scents that were on the tree.

Alaya's POV

"Alaya! Can you read us The True Story Of The 3 Little Pigs?!" Aiden asked excitedly, I smiled,

Of course, get everyone in the reading room and I'll join you in a minute. I just need to hang up our bathing suits. Walking out of the cave I lay everyone's bathing suits on a rock in the sun. Hiding them behind some other rocks I made my way inside and towards the reading room.

Okay, who wants to listen to The True Story Of The 3 Little Pigs! They all grinned up at me while Apollo gave me a hesitant smile. Alright, gather round. Once everyone was comfortable I started.

Everybody knows the story of the Three Little Pigs. Or at least they think they do. But I'll let you in on a little secret. Nobody knows the real story, because nobody has ever heard my side of the story.

"He had a cold!" Isaac exclaims excitedly. I laugh before continuing.

I'm the wolf. Alexander T. Wolf. You can call me Al. I don't know how this Big Bad Wolf thing got started, but it's all wrong.

Suddenly a new scent entered the cave. Quickly shutting the book I stood up. Guys? You need to stay behind me okay? Putting shields around them we slowly made our way towards the front of the cave. Be ready to get on my back or shift if I say.

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