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You're ready.

What? I asked, too exhausted from our 3-hour sprinting workout to even try to figure out what she meant.

I can sense the first endangered pup you need to rescue. I sat up.

Really? I have been living in my cave for a year now. Training and practising, a few days ago I turned 18 and Aphrodite said I would start my missions soon but I didn't think it would be this soon. When do I start? I asked excitedly.

Now. I can sense they're in a lot of pain. I frown,

How come I can't sense them?

You've only been a golden wolf for one year. Once you've had more experience you'll be able to sense them too.

Alright, where do I go?

Back towards where you used to live. I shuddered,

Really? Are you sure? Aphrodite's voice turns gentle,

Don't worry they're on the opposite side of the town.

Okay. I put a dress in a bag and shift. Picking up the bag I start running. With Aphrodite's instructions, I managed to find the house in an hour. I shift back and creep towards the house. I let Aphrodite come out a little, heightening my sense of hearing. I hear muffled sobs coming from a room. Lucky for me the window was right by a tree. Great, I should have brought shorts and a shirt, not a dress. I sigh and then start climbing the tree. I climb up to their window. I'm horrified, I see a 5-year-old boy bruised, bloody and dirty. Shh, I'm here to help you. I say, connecting to him.


No, my name's Alaya. I'm here to help you. I see the little boy look around.

Where are you?

Do you promise not to scream?


Look out your window. He turns his head and I wave. Can you let me in? I ask, the boy gets off his "bed" and opens the window. Get some clothes and then climb out the window okay? I'm going to stay here and then help you down the tree.

I don't have any more clothes. My heart weeps.

Alright come here and I'll lift you out. The boy walks over, I reach in and lift him out. Hold on to me okay? I'm going to climb down. His tiny hands tighten their hold on me. Once I'm on the ground I put him down. Can you shift? He nods. He takes off his dirty oversized t-shirt and shifts into a little brown wolf pup. I take my dress off and tie the clothes to my ankle then I shift too. His wolf eyes widened.

You're the golden wolf Ray was talking about! He says you're going to save me? I give him a wolfy grin,

Yup. I pick him up by the scruff of his neck and start running.

Where are we going? He asks, getting excited.

Home. By the time I get back to the cave, the boy's wolf, Ray I'm guessing, had finished healing him and he was now starting to doze off. I walk behind the waterfall and walk over to my bed. I lay down curling my furry body around him. The little boy snuggles closer to me. Aphrodite?


Am I allowed to kill the parents of these children? Aphrodite chuckles,

I don't see why not. Kill away! I smile and then doze off.


"Alaya, Alaya wake up!" I open my eyes to a little boy poking me. I shift back and smile.

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