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Alaya's POV

This past week has been torture. Alpha Ethan has been trying to bond with me, Aphrodite has been trying to help me get used to the presence of so many males, I've secretly been trying to speak again to surprise the pups, being away from the pups has put both me and Aphrodite on edge, and the pups link with me every night pleading to leave but the Alpha won't let me, he won't even let me visit them as he promised!

Last night:

Alaya, are you there? I sat up in bed.

Of course, I am, what's wrong Esme?

We want to go home.

Yeah! Isaac adds, it's scary here. I tense,

What do you mean? What did they do?

It's too loud, Aiden whimpers, and the kids are scary.

It's too confusing, Amor says, the lady doesn't tell us what to do.

The lady doesn't let me sleep with Amor, Apollo whines, how are we supposed to keep each other safe when she doesn't let us sleep together.

School's also really boring, Esme sighs, when I try to give the right answers the teacher says that I'm cheating and she made Isaac cry, he also had five pee accidents this week.

I'm hungry Alaya, Amor says, but the lunch lady is confusing and scary.

Alaya? Aiden asks, when can we go home?

Why haven't you come to visit us? Isaac asks. My heart clenches at his question. My pups are suffering and the Alpha won't let me go fix it!

Don't worry guys! I say trying to sound happy, it'll get better! I have to go now, try and get some sleep okay? I love you pups! I'm met with a chorus of whimpers and goodnights before I cut off the link.

I've failed them Alaya! I cry, my one job as the Golden Wolf is to protect my pups and I can't even do that!


I can't remember the last time I got more than 2 hours of sleep. I've been talking with Sabirah, however, I'm careful with what I tell her, knowing that a lot, if not all of it will be repeated to Alpha Ethan.

Go ask him again, Aphrodite whines.

No, I refuse, I don't want to make him mad.

He won't get mad! It's just a question, he's our mate, and we need to see the pups!

No, I refuse again,

Then I'll do it!

Ethan's POV

I bang my head on the desk in frustration. Nothing is working! Every time I try to bond with my mate something happens. The first time I accidentally caused Alaya to have an anxiety attack, the second time there were rogues, the third time I had unknowingly offended Aphrodite and she snapped at me and the fourth time Alaya had kept a 4ft distance.

Aphrodite had just come in again and asked to go see the pups but Alex refused.

I don't understand why we can't let her see them. We promised she would be able to. I said,

You don't get it. Alex growled, don't you remember what Maya said? She said that the pups are refusing to eat and are having a hard time sleeping. If Alaya sees the state "her" pups are in she'll run away immediately!

Wouldn't letting her visit them help?

No! They'll see her and then not want to leave her side. Those aren't our pups and Alaya is our mate, not theirs. They can learn to live without her and we can spend time with our mate.

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