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I slowly open the door. I'm hit with the metallic smell of blood, rotten something, dust, mold, and lots more. My eyes fall on a heap in the middle of the cellar. I gasp, it's a girl, maybe 14? She's covered in blood, both her arms and maybe one of her legs look broken. I let out a growl. Who could do something like this? I quickly check for a pulse. Once I know she's still alive I turn to Aiden. Keep your eyes closed and stay here, I'll be right back. I go deeper into the cellar and find a door. I open it and it lets me enter the mansion. I quietly walk up the stairs and through a hallway. I stop when I get to a room that smells a little like her. Must be her parents. I open the door planning on taking my time killing them but instead rage fills me and I quickly slit both their throats. I quickly ran back down to the cellar. I let out a relieved breath when I find both children exactly as I left them. I connect with the girl's wolf. What's wrong? Shouldn't she be healed?

I'm trying but we haven't been fed for weeks. I'm weak.

Can I pick her up?

Yes. I carefully picked her up.

Aiden, you can open your eyes now. Aiden's eyes fly open. They widen as he takes in his surroundings. Come on. We left the mansion and began the long walk home.


"Alaya, she's waking up," Aiden whispers, I quickly close the book I was reading.

"Wha-where am I?" She croaks, trying to get up.

Shh, you're safe. Get up slowly. With my assistance, she slowly sits up, leaning against the wall for support.

"Who are you?" She asks, looking at both of us. Aiden turns to me.

"Show her! Show her!" I smile, I quickly take off my dress and shift into my wolf. The girl's eyes widened.

"You're the golden wolf my wolf told me about!"

Yup, I'm Alaya and that's Aiden. I rescued him a couple of months ago. What's your name?

"Esme." I shift back and quickly put my dress back on.

Well Esme this is your new home. There's a waterfall outside the cave which is where we bathe, it's also our fridge. This is the front of the cave. This is where we sleep. We'll have to make you a bed today. Aiden can show you around the cave. Right, Aiden? Aiden grins,

"Follow me, Esme!"

When you've finished looking around, get clean and I'll give you one of my small dresses okay? Esme nods as Aiden drags her out of the room.

That went well.

Yeah, what am I supposed to do about clothes for her and food for us? The townspeople might recognize Esme.

Leave them in the cave. Esme's smart enough not to leave and she can look after Aiden. You could also use the time to go back and kill Aiden's parents.

That's a good idea, I'll leave after lunch. After Aiden finished giving the tour and Esme was clean we sat down for lunch. I have to go to town after lunch to buy some clothes for you Esme and to get some food.

Ooh, can I come again? Aiden asks, I shake my head.

Sorry Aiden, it's too risky maybe next time. Esme, can you look after Aiden?


You guys have to stay in the cave okay? If anything happens, link me. They nod, after finishing lunch they head off to the reading room and I head out to town.

I got to town in half an hour (since I didn't have any pups to slow me down). I went into the clothes store first, buying trousers, tops, sweater dresses, etc. for Esme. Then I went into the grocery store to buy food for the next two months. Once I was finished I shifted and ran back to the cave (which was slow because I had to carry so many bags).

When I got back I quietly put the food away, left Esme's clothes in a pile, and headed out again to kill Aiden's parents. Once I got to his house I crawled in through his bedroom window. You'd think they'd lock it, no? I shrugged, whatever it helped me get in so... Once I got in I opened his door cautiously. Someone was downstairs and someone was upstairs. Excellent! This was perfect! They were in separate rooms meaning I could kill them individually and slowly as long as I was silent! I decided on the person upstairs first. I quietly crept through the hall and came to a stop at two big doors. What if they're facing the door?

Don't burst in, just walk in. If they're facing away, attack, if they're facing you pretend you know their mate and that you're here to give them a message, technically you are giving them a message. I take a deep breath, then I quietly open the door. As I stepped in, a man, probably in his thirties looked up from his desk.

"Hello?" He asks, raising his eyebrow. I open my mouth, nothing comes out, shoot! I forgot I couldn't speak! I glance around his desk, and I point to his notebook. "Do you need this?" He asks, I move my hand in a writing motion. He seems to understand and gives me the notebook as well as a pen. As I write I move closer to him, finally I'm right next to him, I hand him the notebook. His eyebrows furrow and his eyes widen in fear as he reads the note. Before he can do anything my hands are around his neck, squeezing it, knocking us to the ground. He struggles, trying to get free, trying to breathe. Slowly I add more pressure, his eyes seem to bulge out of his head. I keep slowly tightening my grip until the light fades from his eyes and he's still. I get up and dust off my hands.

One down, one more to go. I leave the room walking down the stairs. I follow the person's scent and I end up in the kitchen. There's a woman tending to something on the oven with her back facing me. That's a mistake that's gonna cost you your life, woman. I dash across the room and smash her face into the boiling pot. I yank her out, her mouth is open in a silent scream. I grin at her, then I snap her neck. I drop her on the floor and then search the house for money. I managed to find $1000. Happy with the successful mission I shift and run home, eager to be with the children.

When I get back I find them in the room where I store the clothes. "Alaya, I showed Esme where we put our clothes!" I smiled,

You found the clothes I left in the front of the cave? Esme nodded,

"Thank you, Alaya."

You're welcome. So do you guys want to go swimming? Aiden's face breaks out into a grin, Esme offers a shy smile. Get in the bathing suits I bought and then we can go swimming alright? Aiden lets out a loud whoop and then dashes over to his clothes. I turn to Esme, I hope the clothes fit you alright. Esme nodded. Once we were all in our bathing suits we headed outside the cave, towards the lake.


Thanks for reading!

The name Aiden means Sun.

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