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"Y/n, sweetie, pssst!"

I was shaken awake by Danny. "Huh? What?" I looked into his deep chocolatey eyes. "Sweetheart, it's 4pm... you slept a lot. And I got you some food." He held out a bag. "Put it in the kitchen, I'll eat in a bit." I sat up, nauseous. Jesus christ. I got up, rubbing my head. "Danny, I feel ill." I groaned. "Why? Is it your head?" He came to sit beside me, rubbing my back gently. "Mhm." I started to quickly rekindle the way I felt before... about Danny. "You're off work today, you know that?" He sat back a little, he was adamant. You could see it in his eyes, he hated that I wasn't at my best. "I do but could you get me some cold water?" "Sure." He stood up to go to the fridge. "Danny?"

"Yes?" He handed me a cold water bottle, the feeling of it in my hands waking me up completely. "Come, I have to show you something." I stood up and led him up the stairs and to my room. I turned my desktop on and opened my instagram, going back to the video. I clicked on it as to show him and instantly looked away, wishing to never see it again. I sipped on my cold water and waited for the noises to stop. "And that's Aaron, isn't it? Who sent you this?" Danny looked down at me. "Yeah. I don't know, was it you? Be honest." I frowned. "Y/n, why would I do that?" I believed him, as the person who sent it had an 'active' status and Danny didn't have his phone out.

"Mm. You're right." I hummed, baffled. I rested my head on the desk. "Hold on, let me see if I can track where this came from." He pulled my keyboard towards him. "Right, Mitnick." I closed my eyes. I listened to the quiet sound of his fingers tapping the keys, it lulled me off into what would've been a slumber if he didn't cry out in anger. "What? What?" I look to him in concern. "Asshole's smart, doesn't follow anyone and isn't followed, they don't have any sibling accounts either." Danny huffed. "So we have no idea who this dick is? How did they get the timing for this so... right?" I clenched a fist. "I don't know doll. Do you think they sent it to anyone else near to him?" I swear he was too fast. "I'll call Minnie, see if she's been sent something." I opened the phone app on my phone and called Minerva.

"Hello?" She answered fairly quick, poor woman was probably desperate for someone to talk to.

"Hey, Min, how you holding up?" I gave an empathetic smile through the phone.

"I'm ok. What did you need?" She sighed.

"Has anyone sent you any... videos? On instagram." I really hated to ask stupid questions but I was desperate.

"No. Let me see. Why?"

"Nothing, just want to know." I look back at Danny for a second.

"No. No messages at all." Minnie seemed as if she had let me down, poor thing.

"It's ok, Min. I'll visit whenever alright, you be strong, I have to go now." I reassured her.

"Thank you, Y/n, you're the best. See you."

"Bye bye."

"I'll have to ask someone else." I frowned softly at Danny. "Let's see Aaron's followers list..."

Ten minutes later.

I hung up. "No video. Again." I fiddled with a pen on my desk. "None. Weird. Do you think they just sent it to you?" He scribbled in his book. "Seems that way." I got up off of my chair and paced the room. This was stressing me out like hell. I needed a good break. "Hey, honey, cool off. Let's go downstairs and I'll talk you through an idea." He smirked. "Mkay." I exhaled.


"How do you feel?"

"Mad." I deadpanned.

"How mad?"

"Infuriated. Why would he do that and who the hell sent that video?!" I groaned, expressing my stress.

"Are you mad enough to kill?"

I thought about his question, deeply. "Yes." I nodded. In reality, I was always mad enough to kill, this time I was gonna act on it... again.

"Do you wanna do a duo killing, you can miss out on the torturing if you like." He knew me well. "Alright, you do all the finger chopping." Danny giggled playfully at my comment. "I will." "So we're gonna have a lot of fun with this: the guy we're killing is super rich, not body guard rich, I mean like giant house rich. So I've been stalking him for the past few weeks and I have the layout of the house and his schedule. I'll walk you through everything since I'm the one who's been watching him, not you and I don't expect you to instantly know everything about him." He explained, bluntly. "Ok, so who is this guy?" I cocked my head to the side in thought. "Uh... Roger King from the news, you know-" "I know. But why him?" I wonder. "I have my reasons, he steals my spotlight." "Is that it?" "No. He's an asshole." "Fair."

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