Chapter 15

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"Okay I'm done...I'll make your visitor enter now..." She smiled and walked out, talking to someone right outside the door.

I wonder who it is...

After a few minutes, they stopped talking and I heard footsteps growing distant till I couldn't hear them anymore.

I waited curiously and quite impatiently before I saw a mullet of two-toned hair and felt a very familiar scent pervade the room for a second before it disappeared behind all the scent blockers.

I lightly gaped at Jean as he entered the room quite hesitantly, pulling an empty stroller along and then, the cutest and most freckled baby I've ever seen waddled in, gripping Jean's pant leg for support.

I didn't even bother saying hi to him and just trained my eyes only on the cute little thing, who was looking around with big curious eyes before they settled on me.

I smiled warmly and tilted my head, waving softly at her "Oh my god, you're such a cutie...hi baby..." her hazel eyes brightened up and pulled on her dad's pant leg "Dah...!" she clumsily pointed at me and excitedly gurgled something.

"You wanna go to him, is that what you want boo...?" She nodded quite determined "Alright squirt, up we go..." he grabbed her by her armpits and put her on my bed, where she crawled over to my legs and sat on my shins, staring at me curiously.

I bopped her button nose and she giggled loudly, flailing her arms around, causing me to 'aw' and giggle as well. She then grabbed my hand and used it to pull herself up "Hey, careful now munchkin..."

I held a hand behind her as she climbed all the way up to my thighs, before flopping down again, this time against my chest, nestling there comfortably, as she kept staring at me with a toothless smile.

I looked at her mesmerized as she grew that comfortable so soon with a stranger " comfortable there...?" She gripped my gown and nuzzled again in my chest to prove her point.

I chuckled softly "Okay, got can stay there as much as you want..." she cooed happily and relaxed against me, closing her eyes as well.

I stared at her for a few more seconds before looking up and noticed the two alphas in the room staring at me and crooning quite loudly.

I blushed softly "Uhm...what...did I do...?" Jean immediately cleared his throat and stopped his crooning "U-uhm sorry...she's usually not that affectionate with strangers...she must sense you're supposed to be a nurturing figure..."

I gazed at Levi curiously as he kept his crooning but he was actually looking at the little girl in my lap. I giggled quietly and reached for him with my hand, caressing his cheek "Hey, gentle giant..." he leaned against my hand almost automatically, his eyes still trained on the baby "She's cute, right...?" "...mmh very...but you're way cuter...I think my brain just melted...I can't focus on anything else besides you two..."

I giggled again "You flatter I look that good with children...?" "You don't know how much..." He leaned closer and kissed my nose, causing me to blush softly "T-thank you..." "You're very much welcome..." He bumped our foreheads together, before kissing mine.

I smiled happily "We should get out of here, I'm so fed up staying in a hospital..." "Yeah...let me call a nurse to bring you your clothes..." I tilted my head "Aren't they ruined and dirty...?" "They wash them before giving them back to discharged patients..." Jean intervened and I shifted my gaze to him "Oh right...that makes sense..." " right back..."

Levi kissed me for a few seconds and then began walking away, stopping beside Jean to stare him down "Do something and you'll be in this hospital for a good reason..." I heard Jean gulp loudly and nod quickly "Y-yeah...of course..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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