let me tell you about the world

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poetry is often wishes made into words
the irregular flow of the sentence
only emphasizes the desire for change,
appreciation and emotion

to sing, dance, paint, write
art is a form of expression
a form of magic, if you will
to cast a spell of letters and meanings
(is very human)

we wish and desire
we want to be seen and heard
down to our very soul
so we invent every form of expression that we can

'look at me, here i am. this is my life, this is our history, experience this with me. share this with me'

to live is to love
to love is to experience
to experience is to share

the birds sing their beautiful thrills
to find another and to share their joy with

the leaves of the tree sing in harmony with the wind that carries the birds that sing to each other

we are not alone even within our own bodies
we are alive
our very blood is alive
microscopic cells are alive and experiencing their world
which is you and your whole body

isn't it absolutely beautiful, how life fills every crevasse in one way or another?

isn't it beautiful, that we've found a way to capture that in the form of poetry and magic?

isn't it beautiful that i get to share this moment of tranquility and love with you?

what an absolute joy it is to be alive
(with you)

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