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The next two hours had passed rather quickly, and the Garrison was starting to empty. Esme had gone home to put the kids to bed and Lizzie had left with her. John, Arthur, Thomas and Hazel had all stayed, each trying to beat the other in various card games, bets and drinking games.

"And the money, once again, goes to me!" Hazel slurred excitedly, grabbing the pile of coins and dragging them over to her.

"Fuck me! I give up!" John groaned, slouching back in the booth.

Hazel was expecting to hear a complaint from Arthur, and laughed when she noticed he'd fell alseep.

"Well, I hate to say this but you've out drank us all." Thomas smiled, holding a cigarette in one hand, while his other managed to snake it's way around her waist, pulling her closer next to him. He decided that was fine to do- the garrison was almost empty and his brothers were too drunk to notice.

"Yeah, well, I've drank enough now." Hazel yawned, not bothering to cover her mouth which made Thomas chuckle slightly.

"You want to go?" He asked, tilting his head softly as he looked down at her.

"Sure." She nodded, standing up rather too quickly and almost tumbling over, giggling into Thomas's chest as he caught her and pulled her into him just before she could hit the floor. "Oops." She laughed.

"Oops indeed." He spoke fondly, also beginning to laugh as he held onto her as she tried to regain her balance. "-Fuck it. This is taking too long." He grunted, swooping her off her feet and carrying her bridal style out of the pub and down the street.

"That's better." She laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder as he made his way back to his house.

"Right home agai- can you stand?" He spoke as he let her down.

"I'm fine." She grinned up at him as she leaned against the cold brick wall, watching as he fumbled with the key before finally unlocking the door.

She followed him inside, kicking her heels off and sighing with relief, and suddenly they were stood in an odd silence. It wasn't exactly awkward- but not very comfortable either.

She watched as he stumbled about the kitchen, filling up two pint glasses with water. "- drink this. Will help with the hangover tomorow." He spoke, handing her a glass.

Hazel stared in shock as she watched him down the water in his glass.

"What?" He frowned as he placed the empty glass on the counter.

"I genuinely don't think I've ever seen you drink water before." She laughed, drinking her water as quickly as she could.

"Right. Bed time." Thomas smirked, picking her up bridal style once more and making his way up the stairs.

They had almost reached the top of the stairs when Thomas lost his footing, tripping up the stairs slightly and almost dropping Hazel, who began to laugh rather loudly.

"Stop." Thomas shook his head at the volume of her laugh, but it was infectious, and he too began to laugh- a proper laugh. Some thing that was incredibly rare for him.

Hazel took a few shaky breaths to calm her down slightly, trying not to laugh again as she looked back in his blue eyes which shone brightly as he stared down at her, his body hovering over hers.

She slowly placed a gentle hand on the side of his face, using her other hand to push her up from the step slightly, and Thomas closed his eyes briefly at the warm feeling of her body being so close to his.

Dangerous Things | Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now