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Hazel and Ada sat at the bullring in silence, both bouncing their knees up and down with anxiety.

"You're in love with my brother." Ada broke the silence with a smile.

"Yeah. Yeah I guess I am." Hazel replied, making eye contact with Ada as they both giggled.

"What will you do if you lose him?" Ada whispered, a question that had been playing on Hazels mind.

"I don't know Ada. I couldn't even imagine the pain- I think I'm losing my sister and if I lose him aswell-" Hazel tried to respond, but her own sobs cut her off.

"Hey, come on" Ada stood up and pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back comfortingly. "I have a plan." she pulled away- "Those twats can't expect us to sit around and let them commit suicide by taking on those men." Ada smirked, her eyes cunning.

"Well how the hell can we stop it?" Hazel questioned.

"Come with me".


Thomas Shelby was stood facing Kimber and his army, adrenaline and rage pulsing through his veins at the sight of Kimbers sleazy face, his mind blank on how he and his brothers were going to get out of this situation alive. He turned and flashed Freddie Thorne a smirk as he appeared by his side with one of the biggest guns he had seen, and a flash of why they used to be best friends ran through his mind.

Kimber and his men were stood with their guns raised, pointing at the enemy, their faces twisting in confusion as two women and a baby in a pram pushed passed them, the sight was almost comical.

"move!" Ada shouted, I believe you boys call this no mans land." she retorted, stopping in the middle of the two groups.

"Ada! Hazel what the fuck!" Freddie exclaimed.

"Shut up and listen." Ada spat, while Hazel sent an apologetic look his way, avoiding Tommys harsh gaze. She didn't agree with Adas plan but she was impossible to say no to, and what good of a godmother would she be if she let her take Karl and do it alone?

"Now most of you were in France, so most of you all know what happens next. I've got brothers and a husband here." Ada spoke, glancing at Hazel.

"You've all got somebody waiting for you" Hazel finally spoke, her voice tinged with frustration, as she sent a look Tommys way.

"Now we're wearing black in preparation. I want you to look at us- I want you all to look at us! Who'll be wearing black for you? Think about them. Think about them right now. And fight if you want to, but that baby aint moving anywhere." Ada shouted her speech, shocking Hazel with the last part.

Hazel knew how angry Ada was, and anger clouded judgement, but karl was in danger and Hazel had to intervene, she stepped towards the pram as Kimber begun to speak.

"They're right you know, why should all you men die? It should just be them who caused it!"

He pulled his gun out, Hazel reached the pram. He fired his first shot.

Hazel screamed as the bullet skimmed past her, so close to her face she could feel the breeze of it shoot past her, for a second, everything felt like slow motion as her ears rang from the sheer noise of the shot, but the sight of the bullet hitting Tommy in the chest caused her scream to become piercing as she watched blood splatter out and his feet stumble backwards.

"Tommy" She cried, trying to rush towards him but was held back by Freddie who had pushed her, Ada and Karl out the way of the gun fire.

Another gun shot rang through the air, but this time it was a bullet from Tommys gun that went directly through Kimbers skull, endng his pathetic life in less than a second.

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