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I woke up to the sun creeping through the curtains, and stretched my body out with a content yawn as it was the first time in a long time I had a undisturbed sleep. I looked over to the empty space in the bed where Tommy had slept, and a wide beam spread across my face, followed by a blush as last night repeated in my head. Thomas Shelby had chose to talk to me, sleep next to me, kiss me.

I slipped out of his bed and tiptoed over to my own room, the bed fully made from my absence the night before, apart from one thing, Katie was sat on it, staring up at me.

"You must of got up early, I come in every morning to wake you up but today you weren't here!" She whined, "But then, Polly told me that you were in Tom Toms room! Shall I go in there in the mornings now?" she giggled teasingly.

"Fuck" I whispered under my breath, "Polly knows?" I spoke louder this time.

"She said 'it was only a matter of time'" She smiled, "I like Tom Tom, he stops you from crying."

"Yeah, I suppose he does" I replied, rushing to get changed so I could go and tell Polly me and Tom didn't do much last night, before rumours reached the rest of the Shelby family.

As I made my way downstairs, the nerves of seeing Thomas crept in, what if last night meant nothing to him? I'd feel a fool if he acted like nothing happened.

I walked into the kitchen, just as Polly was about to grab the rest of her stuff, "morning pol" I smiled sheepishly, as that all so familiar grin crept up on her face.

"so?" she begun, grabbing my hands and pulling me to sit down at the table. "I don't want the details, but what happened last night?"

"we talked pol, and he asked me to stay, so I did. we both slept good, no nightmares"

"I knew it. I knew hed finally talk" she grinned.

"it was mainly me, pol. I didn't get much out of him, but anythings better than nothing"

"i suppose" she trailed off, "but you didn't just talk."

"we kissed. nothing more" i stated firmly to set the record straight.

"im sure that will change soon" she teased as we walked through to the now almost empty betting shop.

The sound of the door opening and closing sent my nerves into overdrive, as i knew exaxtly who it was.

"Where's John?" Thomas asked Polly, although his eyes were directed on me.

"He's at the garrison, wants a meeting about a family matter. After he's said his piece, w come back and take his place with Scudboat" Polly replied

"I can stay if you need someone else" I offered, finally plucking up the courage to look into Tommys eyes, but my nerves washed away as he sent a small smile my way.

"No. John says he wants you there, some shit about a non-biased opinion" polly spoke, and a small smile crept on my face at the thought I was wanted at a family meeting.

I grabbed my coat off the back of the chair and pulled it on as I walked out the shop after polly, feeling a wave of surprise which soon melted into a child-like giddiness as i felt tommys hand rested on my back as we left.


Sitting down in the private room at the garrison, I sent a small smile John and Arthurs way, who both returned it. I didn't feel awkward around them, just nervous, and in a way proud of myself that I was accepted enough to be wanted in a family meeting.

"What's troubling you?" Thomas asked as he leaned against the wall, overlooking us all.

"Polly, you know what its been like since Martha died and the truth is, my kids have been running bloody rings about me, running barefoot with the dogs at all hours." John spoke, looking worn out. I frowned at the thought of how hard it must be for him.

"Pol, give him ten bob for some shoes, is that it, John?" Tommy ignorantly butted in, causing me to send a glare his way.

"Tommy, it would be better to do this without you." Polly exclaimed, "now whats your point" she looked at John.

"What the kids need is a mother, so that's why im getting married." John carried on

I raised my eyebrows in shock along with everyone else, "does this poor girl know yore going to marry her?" I asked with a chuckle.

"I've already proposed, and she said yes." he replied.

"I think theres a shell abot to land, and go bang" Tommy stated, lighting a cigarette most likely in frustration.

"It's er- its Lizzie Stark" John finished, causing Polly, Arthur and Tommy to erupt in laughter, as i sat there in confusion.

"John, Lizzie Stark is a strong woman, and im sure she provides a strong service for her customers-" Polly begun before john vut her off,

"I wont hear the word, understand? do not use that word." John shouted back angrily.

"what word is that John"? Tommy sighed

"everybody bloody knows" Arthur laughed

"everybody can go to hell" John spat

"whore, that word? or prostitiute, how about that one?" Tommy retorted.

"ohhh" i spoke in realisation, as Arthur turned to me with a laugh.

"right, i want it know, if anyone calls her a whore again, i will push the barrell of my revovlver down their throats, and blow the word back down into their hearts"

"men and their cocks never cease to amaze me!" I exclaimed, finally grasping the situation.

"John, Lizzie Stark never did a days work vertical" Polly started

"she's changed! alright, people changed" John slammed his fist of the table and shot up, causing me to jump slightly, "like with religion"

"Lizzie Stark has got religion, ey?" Thomas spoke in a bored tone.

"no, no she doesn't have religion, but she loves me! listen, Tommy, i wont do it without your blessing, but of all the people in the world, i want you to see it, as brave" John pleaded.

"brave is going where no man has been before" I begun with a laugh-

"and with Lizzie Stark John, that is not what youll be doing" Polly finished my sentence, causing us to erupt in stifled laughter once again.

"listen Tommy, welcome her to the family as someone whose had a hard life. because I need someone, the kids need soemoen" John spoke, before being interrupted by Finn slamming the doors open

"Tommy, we've been done over!"

A/N thank you so much to everyone who has voted on this story!! It means so much and definitely provides the motivation to keep writing. I know this is a shorter chapter but wanted to give you all some thing while I worked on the next one in more detail :)

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