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The next week had been relatively quiet, which meant Thomas and Hazel had had some time spent with each other, and he'd never wanted to ask someone to marry him more in his entire life. He never got bored of her, every time he kissed her it felt like the first, every time her hand brushed against his whilst they were working made him feeling like a teenage boy with a crush.

Hazel had been in bliss the majority of the week, each visit she made to his office lasting much longer than needed, ending with her cheeks red, hair messy and legs weak. She had never felt so purely in love, his sweet whispers and gentle embrace after each pleasurable moment making her feel safe and happy.

She bit her lip hard as she tried not to let out any noise as she felt her body rush with the amazing sensation Thomas had made her familiar with, and the grip that her fingers had in his hair loosened as he moved his head from between her legs, smirking with satisfaction at the small whimpers that left her mouth no matter how hard she tried to be quiet. He stood up, lighting a cigarette and trying not to laugh at her flushed face as she pulled various garments of clothing back on.

"You were supposed to leave an hour ago. You'll be driving in the dark at the rate." She interrupted the silence, smiling as she tried to fix his hair so it didn't look as messy.

"You're my priority." He winked, grabbing his coat and pulling it on "but yes. The sooner I'm gone the sooner I get back." He sighed, staring at the door that he didn't want to walk out of.

"Does May really need to see you again so soon?" Hazel pouted.

"Apparently." He mumbled, his hand grazing over the box that was still in his pocket. Every time he wanted to pull it out and get on one knee, a fear he'd never felt before pulled him back. He wanted so badly to make her his fiancée in that moment, but also didn't want to leave her right after proposing. Then and there he made a promise to himself that he'd do it the second he got back.

"I'll be back tomorow night, 8pm. There will be a reservation booked for us somewhere so be prepared." He spoke and watched with amusement as her eyes fluttered slightly, and he knew that deep down she knew what that meant.

"I'll look forward to it." She smiled as she looked up at him lovingly, placing a lingering kiss on his lips before reluctantly waving him out of the door.


"Polly!" Hazel exclaimed as she let herself into Pollys house.

"You're late!" Polly shouted back from the dining room where her and Michael sat.

"Michael if you mention this to anyone you're dead- but Polly. Oh my god I think Tommy's going to propose!" Hazel squealed, not being able to contain her excitement.

"About bloody time." Polly smiled widely as she saw Hazels visible glow of happiness.

"But then what if he doesn't? Oh I'll feel such a fool. But then I shouldn't. Because I love him and it shouldn't matter if we are to be married or not." Hazel spoke in a rushed manner as she sat down, her hand flying to her mouth as soon as she spoke. "- Oh god I've never admitted that to anyone apart from him."

"Well it's obvious to everyone so you don't have to worry about that." Michael chuckled, frowning as Polly kicked him slightly under the table.

"Your excitement is contagious but our food is going cold." Polly smiled, placing her hands together as she spoke softly -"Dear lord, for what we are about to receive- May the lord make us truly grateful, amen."

Hazel and Michael sat quietly, neither of them too sure of the religion, but Pollys repetition of "amen" in a more threatening tone soon after made them both mumble it.

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