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Hazel and Thomas had their first explosive argument as a couple- and it was before they had even gotten married.

She had gritted her teeth through the rest of that day, letting Arthur and Linda enjoy their celebrations, but as soon as everyone had left, Hazel flipped out.

Hazels anger led to Thomas's anger and he left the house, taking almost two hours to calm himself down before he could talk to her. He was more angry at the situation than her reaction. Once again he was starting to feel helpless, after Arthur explained that threats had once again been made by various individuals whom were much more powerful than the shelbys. Threats that if they didn't do certain business, then they'd be "hung for their many sins."

Unfortunately, these individuals included the Russians, and Russian business wasn't some thing he particularly wanted to be involved in. To Thomas's surprise- Hazel didn't want to be involved atall. She didn't want to know about business whatsoever- she wouldn't go into work, and she wouldn't ask Thomas any questions regarding to it. She had made it clear that she was leaving it to him and his brothers until after the wedding, then she'd let them fill her in.

Arthur and Linda had gotten married within a week of their engagement, and Polly could tell Thomas and Hazel were both incredibly eager to follow suite, so she planned things quicker, and time soon flew by.

Because now, Hazel was stood staring at her reflection in the large mirror of her room, whilst Ada fussed over her hair. Her wedding dress loomed in the corner in a clear bag.

"Hazel? Ey? Hazel!" Adas voice echoed in Hazels ears, but she only came back from zoning out when Ada hit her rather harshly on the head with the metal comb she was using to scrape Hazels hair into an updo.

"Ouch! Ada what on Earth was that for!" She hissed, not even being able to rub where it hurt in fears she would ruin her hair.

"You zoned out- your eyes glazed over and you were just staring into the mirror. It was creeping me out." Ada shuddered slightly.

"Sorry." Hazel sighed "- I'm just so bloody nervous." She let out a shaky laugh, taking a swig from the vodka bottle on the side.

"Right. That's enough now. You can't be drunk when you walk down the aisle." Ada tutted at her best friend, prying the bottle from her hands and moving it further away.

Hazel replaced the absence of the bottle with a cigarette.

"Christ. You're turning into Tommy I swear." Ada scoffed at the sight of Hazel as she took a deep inhale of smoke before she blew it out with a small smile.

"Well, I have spent almost every day with him for two bloody years." She replied, but her large smile indicated that it was some thing she very much enjoyed.

"Okay. Hair is done. You need to finish your makeup then I'll dress you then- shit! We need to hurry up!" Ada fretted as she glanced at her watch.

"Alright alright." Hazel laughed, grabbing her nude lipstick and beginning to apply it, wanting her makeup to be as natural as possible. Her incredibly shaky hands made it much more difficult than usual.

She rubbed her lips together as she did a final check over her appearance, before standing up from her seat, her wobbly legs making her feel even more sick than she did before.

"Oh god Ada I don't think I can do this!" Hazel whined, trying to calm down her shaking. "- how the fuck am I meant to walk down the aisle and stand in front of everyone when I'm shaking like this!"

"Second thoughts?" Ada frowned.

"No. God no. I'm in love with him and I can't wait to be married. I'm just so nervous- what If I'm sick!" Hazel groaned.

Dangerous Things | Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now