Rey and Kylo on Naboo

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Takes place late 34ABY.

Rey could no longer ignore that the connection between her and Kylo was simply force related, every time she is around him her heart soared. She had originally told herself that it was because they were partners in leading the Grey Knights of Ren, but the dreams she was having left nothing to the imagination on how she felt for him.

And the truth is she had a gut feeling that he felt the same. Not just that she sometimes could sense his feelings, but just using her regular senses she could tell. The way he would sometimes look at her, and that he acted differently with her than he did with anyone else.

The two of them were on a mission in Alderaan Memorial City, on Naboo, but when the mission was over Rey convinced Kylo to stay a little longer to explore as she had never seen such flora before on a planet except briefly on Takodana.

"I have never seen a waterfall before. I read that this planet has hundreds, could we see one before we return to Ahch-To?"

"Very well, I'll take you to Starlight Falls."

"Wait, you've been here before?"

"This is my grandmother's homeworld. My mother took me here many times when I was little, I just hadn't been to Alderaan until today, I don't think she could bring herself to be reminded of what she lost."

"And Starlight Falls is your favourite?"

"Well, the trail leading up to it was my favourite, but it has been so long."

"Are you willing to take me, or will it bring back to many memories?"

"Oh no, I'll be fine. I wish to show you, if we go now we can take off before the night is halfway done."

And so they took a hover-ferry to cross one of the countless large lakes, and reached the edge of the forest by sunset, which covered all they could see in golden light. On the trip Rey had let one of her buns down, letting her light brown hair down to her shoulder blades.

"This planet is so beautiful. I only wish I could have grown up somewhere like this. Maybe my aunt Kallie lives on a planet like this?"

"I promise you Rey, we won't stop looking. We'll find your family, they are out there. A perk of always being on the move is we can explore the galaxy, I-I mean we, can show you all the different kind of planets and what they have to offer."

"Thank you Kylo."

"Kira, we are alone, you can call me Ben."

She nodded, and with that they started the journey from the edge to the falls in the forest.

Rey was mystified, she stopped to look at every piece of plant life, and every little animal, she had never seen such variety of life before. Ben did not say anything, but he did smile at her curiosity.

They continued to hike, as it got darker and darker. Rey wished she could see the stars, but the trees were to think. They used light lights to see there way.

Finally Rey could see a clearing ahead, and could faintly hear the sound of running water. She was about to run up to it, but instead she was surprised to feel Ben's hand on hers.

"Kira, close your eyes, and let me lead you."

"Oh, um. Ok."

And so she turned off her light and closed her eyes. His hand still holding hers, he gently lead her forward. Her body temperature rose, as did his. She was excited to see what would be there when she opened her eyes.

Soon he stopped and let her hand go.

"Okay, you can look now."

She opened her eyes and couldn't believe what she saw. They were standing near the edge of a cliff and not far beyond the edge was millions of gallons of falling water, almost thirty meters tall. But what was truly breathtaking was that the water was reflecting the night sky and made it appear even more sparkling.

"It's, it's beautiful."

'So are you.'

Rey froze. She had learned to distinguish Ben's thoughts from his spoken voice, she knew he didn't say this out loud, but just hearing it in her mind was enough. She turned and faced him.

"Ben, this is the most stunning thing someone has ever showed me, you should know how much this means to me."

She stepped forward, and before she could change her mind she leaned up and pressed her lips against his.

She didn't know what it would be like as she had never kissed anyone before, but it felt like everything in the world, no the universe, was falling into place. It felt so right, especially when he leaned into it as well. For a good twenty seconds it was just the two of them kissing and Rey was so happy.

But suddenly Ben pulled back, his face was incredibly sad.

"I'm sorry, I can't. This was a mistake."

Rey could not tell if the mistake was kissing her, taking her to Starlight Falls, or both, but the message was received. They would not be doing this again.

"It's time to return to Ahch-To Kira Ren."

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