The Jedi and the Duchess

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Takes place late 37ABY.

Rey had never been to Mandalore, but she knew of its rich but complicated history. The planet had a long history of war, conquest, pacifism, and occupation, it's current position was as a free planet that walked the fine line of peace keepers and warriors, something the Grey Knights could learn a lot from.

Rey was not here however for sightseeing or history lessons, she was here because the Duchess of Mandalore, who was elected the throne seven years prior, laid claims of being the granddaughter of the great Duchess Satine Kryze and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Rey's grandfather.

She had managed to get in contact with the Duchess a month prior and sent a small blood sample to prove her claim, the Duchess then invited her to Mandalore to discuss what this meant and Rey gladly accepted. Her cruiser was now landing on the royal landing bay and she disembarked with lightsaber staff in her right hand, and infant son on her back.

Waiting for her with several protective guards was the Duchess, with her amber hair in a decretive bun, her light blue robes made her crystal blue eyes shine. Rey now stood in front of her half cousin.

"Grey Knight of Ren Kira Rey of Jakku, Welcome to Mandalore."

Rey bowed, "Duchess Lyla Kryze of Mandalore, it is my honour to be here."

The two woman looked at one another, and than started laughing.

"Oh, that was just to funny. It is nice to finally meet you in person Rey. Come inside, I want to know all about you."

"It is good to be here Lyla, I needed this break."

The two Kenobi descendants made there way to an open living quarters. A young boy, of about five years of age, was playing with some wooden blocks. There was a little crib prepared in advance for Rey's son, she placed him in.

"So how old is Sky now?"

The infant was fast asleep, he had a full head of brown hair, and if he were to open his eyes they would be a lovely hazel brown.

"Nearly a year now, I haven't gotten to meet this young man yet. How old is he?"

"Kork, come meet aunty Rey. Kork is five and a half."

The boy quickly was by his mother's side, a spiting imagine of his great grandmother with the blonde hair, however his eyes were an emerald shade of green.

"Hi, my name is Kira Rey, what game were you playing over there?"

He wouldn't come out from behind his mothers robes.

"Sorry, he's still in his shy faze. Kork, love. Say 'hi' to aunt Rey and you can go back to playing.

In the quietest voice possible, the prince spoke, "Hi," and then dashed back to his blocks.

"My father had the same green eyes."

"The remnants of my people's archives from before the civil war show that Kenobi had green eyes. It seems to be a dominant trait in his male descendants."

"Interesting, If Ben and I have anymore kids maybe one will have them."

Lyla had a fun smirk on her face.

"So the lucky man's name is Ben, tell me all about it."

Rey blushes a little, her aunt Kallie had not been this forward asking about her love life. But Rey thought it could be fun to for once in her life to gossip a bit.

"Well, he is the son of the great Leia Organa, and we slowly fell in love as we trained in the force together. He had a dark past, and still has dark days, but the Grey Knight code we follow has really helped him find balance."

"So if you are both force wielders, will your son be?"

"I'm not sure, the force can be passed down genetically, but not necessarily in a straight line, it could be his children or his grandchildren that are force sensitive. In short maybe, I'll know the first time something's floating that's not supposed to. Speaking of which, I am guessing you have not inherited the gift."

"No, trust me, once I learned my heritage I tried and tried but it seems I am simply Mandalorian. My people have a long history of not being force sensitive including myself and my father. The only Jedi Mandalorian on record, Tarre Vizsla, brought my people and the Jedi close to peace, but his death brought an endless war. The only thing left of him is this-"

From a concealed pocket she drew a thin-hilted lightsaber, and just for show ignited it, revealing the pitch black and unusually thin blade.

"The Darksaber."

"You know your history. Yes, my great aunt fought to retrieve this artifact three times until she finally secured it. When I was elected it was handed down to me, and when I step down my successor will receive it."

"But that won't be anytime soon? Right?"

"No, not if I can help it."

Rey had been told in advance that Lyla did not wish to discuss politics, but the conversation was there now and she couldn't pretend as though the war ragging on the last 4 years weren't still going on.

"Lyla, you have got to know that the galaxy is tearing itself apart. The First Order is trying to rule with tyranny, casting great darkness onto the galaxy, and The Resistance, despite there good intentions, is trying to force an old system of government onto the galaxy that is only going to cause more war and destruction. My people are trying to stop the waring and bloodshed and help each planet individually recover and become stable on there own without forcing them to join under one ginormous government. My people are going a good job and are making progress, but it is constantly being undone by the war. We need help, and Mandalore currently shares so many of our ideals that it's help would almost guarantied-"


The kind and friendly face of the Duchess was now replaced with a much colder and more serious one.

"I made myself clear before I even allowed you to make the journey to my planet that I would not be discussing the war or galactic politics, but since you clearly cannot respect those requests here is your answer. I think what you and the Grey Knights of Ren are doing is noble and what must be done to bring peace, but my people and myself will not be apart of it. In the last hundred years my world has been conquered twice,lost its way countless times, and had most of its population scattered across the galaxy. It took my aunts entire life to rebuild to where we are but the truth is we are still rebuilding, we are still weak and trying to recover as a people and I will not take the risk of entering this war."

Rey's heart plummeted, she didn't know how to react to this. She half expected her cousin to call for guards and escort her off world. But instead her Lyla's face softened.

"However, if you and your people ever find yourself in a battle that will result in the defeat of the First Order, or need a political ally in negotiating with the Resistance, you will have my people's support. Now if that is over, I don't want to talk about it anymore. A supper is being prepared and I'd love to use it as an excuse to learn all about each other."

"Thank you your majesty, and I would be honoured. I just need to pick up some stuff from my ship and than I will join you, may you watch Sky for a minute."

"Of course. If you need directions my guards are at your disposal."

"Thank you Lyla, and thank you for your support."

Rey left, and just in time, as when Lyla turned around Kork had his blocks flying all around. She quickly walked over to her child.

"Kork my love, remember what we discussed, no flying things while auntie Rey is here."

"Sorry mommy, it's just so much fun."

"I now sweetheart, but your powers must remain a Mandalorian secret. Now come along."

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