They deserve each other

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Hey, I'm Emery, here's a little bit about me. I like music, I have a weird obsession with weird things and I think that's it.

I was born the same place Tristan was, except I lost my accent awhile ago after mom sent me to a boarding school in America 5 months ago. I'm now back at home, reeking havoc, per usual.

It was a Wednesday. My so called boyfriend decided that it was time for us to go all the way. I didn't really want to. What a fucking mistake. The day after he just ignored me, even changed his social status to single, guess that's his idea of a goddamn break up.

Fuck him. Apparently all he wanted was to get into my pants and use me, because a week later he was with another girl, formally known as my best friend. It was now Friday and I needed something fun to do. I had just the thing in mind, I put on a pair of shoes and walked out the door.

"Where abouts are you going?" My mom called after me. Jesus I'm 17, I'm supposed to have a life.

"Out." I replied.

"Fine, be back in an hour or you're grounded." She said.

"Yeah yeah." I said rolling my eyes and walking out the door.

I walked out onto the street, I walked into the store at the end of the block. The legal age to drink here was 18, I only had a few more months, but I might as well fucking celebrate early. I grabbed a few cases of cider and started my way towards the door.

"Aye, are you gunna pay for that?" The checker asked.

"Nope." I smiled and then I booked it down the street and back to my house. I snuck in through my window so my mom wouldn't find out what exactly I went out to do.

About an hour had passed I didn't drink any cans of the alcohol, given the fact my stomach was hurting for no reason. I would have drank to forget something special, my 18 birthday was just another burden on my life that would come and pass like all the others did. There was a knock at the door.

I opened it and there was my mom, with two police officers. Well shit. "Would you like to explain why they are here?" My mom said, in all seriousness.

"Probably because of that." I said, pointing to the cases on my bed.

"Emery Mary Evans, your grounded." My mom said.

"Yeah okay, but what about them, are they here to arrest me?" I asked.

"No, I just had to bloody explain to them that you were just going through an adolescence!" She yelled.

"Then why are they still here?" I asked, clearly not giving a shit.

"Because they're making sure that it's not your bloody home life making you act like this!" She stated.

"I do things I want because it's fun, it's not like I have any fucking friends, and the one person that is like my best friend doesn't fucking live with us anymore and my boyfriend and ex best friend are now in pound town!" I screamed.

"Your costing me way to bloody much, if you don't straighten up, I'll send you to live with Tris!" She threatened.

"Fucking do it, I'll reek havoc there instead." I said.

"Fine, to hell with it, pack your bags, you're out of here by tonight." She said.

Well fuck. Guess I was going to live with Tris and his god awful roommate and best lad/band mate, Brad. I packed all my shit including the case of cider, and mom drove me to the train station. I didn't even bother saying goodbye or anything.

The train ride there wasn't too bad. It was an hour at least. As I waited for Tris to pick me up, I lit a cigarette, talking a drag. Then Tris pulled up,rolled down his window and told me to get in.

She Doesn't Give Her Love to All//The Vamps •Brad Simpson•Where stories live. Discover now