If you tell him, I'll run you over

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Brad stood there staring at me to the test in shock. I shook my head and slid my back down the wall. Why the fuck was this happening to me. "Go away." I said.

"I-uh well, whose is it." He asked, referring to the test.

I sighed. "It's negative." I said getting up off the ground. I walked over to the trash can and threw the test in. I was trying to walk out of the bathroom but Brad stopped me.

"What are-you doing?" He asked.

"Going to the kitchen?" I asked.

"We're just gunna brush over the fact that this just happened?." He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and he let me out. I walked into the kitchen and started looking through cupboards. I found a glass and sat it down on the counter. I looked through more cupboards until I found what I was looking for.

Whiskey. I smiled and opened the bottle, pouring some into the cup, Brad walked into the kitchen.

"Whoa, what are you doing?" He asked sliding the glass away from me.

"Trying to calm my nerves." I stated.

"Okay, I may not fucking like you, like at all, but what the fuck is your damage." He stated.

After he asked that, a sharp pain shot through my stomach and my legs, making me double forward. What the fuck was this?

"What's your problem, you okay?" Brad asked.

I forgot that Brad didn't know about me being me and reeking havoc "God, not like it's your problem anyway, and even if I was, it wouldn't be my fucking fault." I said.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter, but if it makes you any happier, I'll sort things out tomorrow, I know you hate me, but I swear to fucking god, you tell Tris, I'll run you over." I stated as I walked away and into my room.

I can't believe that this mother fucker did this to me, that he did this to me. I went to sleep and woke up. Luckily for me the doctors office wasn't too far away. I got up and slid on a pair of shoes.

I walked into the kitchen where Brad and Tris where sat.  "Hey Em." Tris said.

"Hey." I said in a really soft voice. "Hey dumb-fuck." I said referring to Brad.

"Please shut the fuck up." He said to me. "No, I don't think I will, you have a pretty stupid angry face and a stupid face in general." I stated.

"So what are your plans for today?" Tris asked me. "I'm going on a walk." I stated walking to the door.

I walked all the way to the doctors office. When I got there they asked me some questions and made me take another test, still negative.  I answered the ones I could. They did a check up. Turns out it was his fault why I was in pain. The doctor asked me if I was hurt by someone and I didn't answer. I was scared and shook my head no- even though that was far from the truth. She sent me home with some pills. I was somewhat thankful that she asked and gave me something for the pain.

A part of me felt bad. If it wasn't negative, I could have watched a baby-my baby grow up. I could have named it Annie if it was a girl and Jordyn if it was a boy. But the main part why I didn't want to actually have a kid is because it would of had his personality, and let me tell you, his personality was absolutely shitty. This was his fault any way,because I wasn't ready and the person who did this to me was an absolute fucking ass, guess that was Amy's problem now.

On my way back home I lit a cigarette. I still felt sad, but I was ok. When I opened the door to the apartment, Brad and Tris were on the couch watching tv.

She Doesn't Give Her Love to All//The Vamps •Brad Simpson•Where stories live. Discover now