We're okay

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I was still leaning against the railing when my phone buzzed, it was Connor. He called but I ignored it. Deciding to text him instead.

(Connors POV)

Emery was sitting on the counter in the kitchen, talking about the school her mom sent her to and everything that was wrong. She had just told me about Issac and all of that. I was pissed.

As she sat on the counter and talked she said she was thinking about jumping off Niagara Falls to get it over with already. I hated that she thought that way even if she said it with sarcasm. She then left to the bathroom.

About 45 minutes later she comes up to me, tears in her eyes and her voice breaking. She told me I was great a friend and that she loved me and then handed me a folded up piece of notebook paper that was kinda turning yellow. Before I could look at the paper she said she was a going on a walk and walked off.

Its been awhile since Emery left for her walk. I called her but she ignored it. I received a text message instead.

Emery- con, Ik ur worried & what not, but if you rlly want answers read the paper I handed you and looked at what I posted on my Yt channel.

Con- Em, your scaring me.

Emery- just do it Con, please

Con- fine

I opened the paper and began to read:

Dear whoever reads this,
      It's not like it matters who reads this anyway. I just want to say that I'm tired. A type of tired that sleep just can't fucking fix. Along with that there's other things bringing myself to write this, dad-he's gone, showing no sign of coming back. Issac, the only thing going good for me at the moment. I won't do what this note is supposed to tell I did, I'll do it, like right before my 18th birthday. 16,17,dead. One of the other reasons I have brought myself to write this is mom, I love her I do, but she has a problem with trying to control every tiny detail about my life. I'm 15 I'm supposed to live. I'm trying to get this straight to the point, so I will, I don't want to be here. I don't want to be anywhere. I can't anymore. I don't want to hear about other peoples problems, I don't want to hear about people's relationships, or their love life's and what not either. I am tired of it all. Tired of there never being any happy endings, tired of no movie moments in real life, tired of everything just sucking, tired of the sky not always being blue, or the grass not always being green. I'm just sick of it all. A lonesome tiredness that sleep just can't cure; and that sucks. Music, art, and photography got me this far in life, therefore it is sure to last me a life time and then some but things end. Sometimes I wish I was older than I am, but maturity wise doctor's say that people with depression-their brains mature faster. Even if I do reckless and stupid fucking things and make bad decisions, I do it because nothing happens in my life anymore. Everything faded to gray and got boring and tiring. So that's all I am, a depressed person walking around in the shell of the person I used to be. No more sunshine and rainbows, the rain washed it all away.

Until next time,
Emery Mary Evans

Oh my god. I walked to living room and stood up on the coffee table. "Everyone out, the party is over!" I yelled. People began to file out of the flat.

Soon enough it was just myself and the guys along with Anastasia. They all sat on the couch. "Why did you end the party?" Tris questioned.

"Because you lump, your sister is in trouble." I stated in a panicked tone. His eyes went wide. "What do you mean?" I handed him the paper and he read it. "Oh my god." He stated shaking.

She Doesn't Give Her Love to All//The Vamps •Brad Simpson•Where stories live. Discover now