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It's been a week since the whole Brad bathroom thing. He hasn't talked to me and I haven't talked to him. He's been gone most of the time so I've had his room to myself, or so I thought.

I was sitting at the desk editing a picture I took of my mom when we went shopping last week when the door opened. I turned around and Brad was there. He had a black eye and his lip was cut open. "What the hell happened to you?" I asked getting up and walking over to him. "Jeremy tried to steal my car." He said, sitting on his bed, "What!" I said. He looked at me, "No big deal, he got what he deserved." I nodded. I debated on sitting next to him, reluctantly I did.Listen Brad we need to talk." I stated, turning my attention towards him. "About the kiss." He added. I nodded. "It was a lovely kiss." He stated.

I laughed, "Bradley, I'm not asking you if it was good, I'm trying to ask you what it meant." He moved his feet slightly,"oh."

"Look, if it meant nothing to you then that's fine, but I'm better off knowing why it happened instead of having you fucking ignore me for forever because that shit hurts." I stated. Brad looked at me then, "I hurt you by ignoring you?" He asked, in a soft tone that was underlined with hurt.

"Yeah, but if the kiss meant anything or nothing, just tell me, because believe it or not, I actually like and care for you." I stated. When I realized what I said my eyes went wide and I stood up. Brad looked at me, "You like me?" He asked. Also standing up. "Y-yeah." I stated looking at him.

Brad walked over to me. "For how long?" He asked. I looked at him, tears threatening to spill over my eyes, "When I was in the shower crying over Jeremy and you helped and stayed with me." I said, covering my face with my hands. I heard Brad walk over to me.

His hands grabbed my wrists and gently took my hands of my face. "Listen, the kiss was great and I don't regret it, I don't regret it because I like you too Emery." He stated. I looked at him, and he wasn't lying.

"For how long?" I asked looking into his eyes. He looked up at me, staring into my eyes as well. "When you told your mum that the only person you didn't care about was yourself."

"Oh." I responded. Brad took a few steps closer. "What are you doing?" I questioned. "Emery, I've never felt the way I do when I'm with you." He stated. Truthfully I felt the same way but I couldn't say that. "What about Tristan?" I stated.

"Is Tristan really going to stop you from dating who you want to?" He asked, grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him. "Who said anyone was dating?" I questioned, looking up at him. "Only if you want to." He smiled. I looked at him, "That smile could fucking kill a person." I smiled. "Did you really just say that?" Brad asked. "Shit, I meant to think that that not say it."

"Well, what do you say?" He asked. "Fine, but if Tristan finds out he might do something drastic. I stated. "Then Tristan won't find out anything." Brad said, placing a kiss to my lips. I didn't want it to end there. I wrapped my arms around Brad's neck and kissed him more passionately.

Before I knew it, lust filled Brad's eyes. He pushed me against the wall and kissed me roughly. One of his hands holding my cheek while the other was on my waist. As he kissed me, I let my hands go to his hair, pulling lightly making sure I didn't hurt him.

Neither one of us wanted to stop. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that for." Brad stated while kissing me. I laughed. The make out session not ending anytime soon. I was still up against the wall, Brad still kissing me with our bodies extremely close when the door to Brad's room opened, neither one of us noticing.

"What the fuck." I heard someone say. Brad quickly turned away from me and turned around. It was Connor. "I-uh, what are ya up to mate?" Brad asked, scratching the back of his head.

"What the fuck do you mean, I came here because you asked me to and when I show up your I'm cahoots with Tristan's little sister!" He said getting pissed. Jesus.

"Connor, chill out, we both wanted, we both want this, Tristan will find out eventually but dude, chill the fuck out." I stated.

Con looked at me, "I thought you hated him?" Connor asked. "Yeah, about that, we both learned to hate each other a little less." I answered. Connor then turned toward Brad. "How did this happen?" He asked.

"At Emery's party, she came into the bathroom while I was looking on the mirror and then I kissed her." He said. "It was a lovely kiss by the way." I told Brad, trying to lighten the mood.

Brad looked at me and smiled. "Thanks babe." He said smiling. "This is fucking weird, but as long as you two are happy." He said smiling. Connor then left, leaving Brad and I alone once more. "So, what do you want to call ourselves?" Brad asked.

"Good question, whatever feels right I guess." I answered. Brad and I spent the day in his room cuddling on his bed, talking about anything and everything, learning about each other.

"I want you to be my girlfriend." Brad blurted out. I looked at him. "Really, you don't think we're moving to fast?" I asked. He looked at me placing a hand on my cheek. "If we are, I'm sorry, I just don't want to lose you, I just got you." He stated. I stared at him. "Yes." I said. He looked at me confused. "Yes what?" He asked. "I want to be your girlfriend." I stated with a grin.

He smiled, Giving me a kiss in the cheek. "You make me unbelievably happy." He stated.

I chuckled. "Ditto."

She Doesn't Give Her Love to All//The Vamps •Brad Simpson•Where stories live. Discover now