Fuck Him, Fuck You, and Fuck Them Too

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It was starting to get light out and I realized I didn't have my phone. I spent all that time taking pictures. I decided that I would go back to the apartment when it was seven. So I just continue to walk and take pictures of various things and people.

(Tristans POV)

I woke up around 5 because I had things to do today. I started my day by giving mum a ring and telling her that Emery was doing fine. She hadn't done anything stupid.....yet. I just didn't understand why  she and Brad don't get on.

I was emptying out the trash bins from each of our rooms. Starting with mine, then Brads, then Emery's and then the bathroom. I knocked on Emery's door and she didn't answer. I walked in and she wasn't in there, her drawers where opened and her phone was on her bed.

"Hey Brad?" Asked from across the flat.

"What mate?" He said walking to my side.

"Dy'know where Em is?" I asked.

"Oh, I ran into her at 2 this morning, she was leaving with a camera 'round her neck." He said.

"She must have, picked up photography again, but she hasn't done that, since-well since dad left." I said.

I was a little worried, but it was Em, she could fend for her own.......weather it was legal or not. I was done getting Emery's trash out of her room. You can really see a lot about a person based on the things they put in the garbage.

All she had was empty cigarette packs and ends along with a few cider cans. After her room I made my way to the bathroom. I turned the light on and picked up the trash bin. As I was dumping it out into the trash bag I had, a box fell out along with a test.

I picked the box up. It was a bloody pregnancy test. I looked in the trash bin and fished the test out. I flipped it over and it was negative. What the bloody hell. I left the trash bin alone and walked in the living room where Brad was.

"Brad, d'you have any lady friends by chance?" I asked him.

He looked at me. "No, I don't, why d'you ask?" He said.

"Fucking found this in the bloody bathroom bin!" I said, holding out the test.

"Jesus, hell, yeah no, I don't have any lady friends mate."  He said to me as he got up and walked away.

That only leaves Emery. Oh god. At least it was negative, but she should have told me.

(End of Tristans POV)

I was making my way back to the flat. On my way back I passed an abandoned factory type thing. It looked cool and I wanted to take pictures of the inside of it. I climbed over the fence and made my way inside. When I got there, there was a boy who looked my age painting. Our eyes met. I didn't get his name but I knew I had to come back. I took a few photos before the police came. I hopped the fence and ran the rest of my way home.

When I got to the apartment, I booked it to the elevator. As soon as I reached my floor, I walked though the front door. I sat my camera on the counter and poured myself a glass of water.

I turned around to see a pissed looking Tris. "Where the bloody hell have you been?" He asked me.

He was starting to sound like mom. "I went to take pictures, and then I ran from the police, fun times." I said as I laughed.

"You left at two in the morning, without your phone, lucky Brad saw you leave." He said.

"Why are you mad? I didn't do anything wrong." I stated. Thinking about the things I've done to make sure I didn't slip up.

Tris then pulled out an all too familiar pink box and white stick. The fucking test. "What happened Emery?" He said asking.

I froze. When I didn't answer he got more frustrated. "Bloody goddammit Emery, who did this! He said.

I had enough of this bullshit. "Fucking Christ Tris. I didn't want for this to happen, y'know, It was all so stupid, I said no to him multiple times, and you know where that fucking got me? The guy who did this to me not wanting to take responsibility when it's his fucking fault in the first place, him having a kid with my ex best friend, me taking a test, it being negative, Brad fucking witnessing the whole thing, me going to the clinic for stomach pains just to find out that it was because that mother fucker didn't listen to me when I said no! So I'm so sorry, that the biggest thing at the top of my fucking list wasn't to tell you that I had a scare and that I didn't give my fucking consent to him in the first place. I didn't want any of this fucking shit. Fuck you, fuck him and fuck them too." I said grabbing my camera walking to my room.

"What, Brad? You knew-but-what do you mean you said no? He-oh god, Emery talk to m-"I cut him off my by slamming my door.

"I-I-." Brad started

I curled up on my bed and cried. I was a horrible person, and now it was time for me to build my walls up even more. I basically cried myself to sleep last night. And I'm fine with it, I wasn't going to cry for a long fucking time after that.

When I woke up. I put on a sweatshirt, jeans, and shoes, I grabbed my phone, my cigarettes, my camera and walked out of my room. I was almost to the door when Tris called out.

"Em, that you?" He asked.

"Fuck off." I said slamming the door behind me.

I walked back to the factory thing, climbed the fence and walked in. I walked around more this time. I then saw the familiar painting on the wall in front of me. It was the one that boy was working on yesterday. I walked up to it and took it in. It was fucking rad.

I grabbed my camera and took a picture. I zoomed in on the picture to see if it was signed. While I was doing so someone tapped my shoulder. I jumped and turned around.

It was the boy from yesterday. "Jesus fucking fuck, you scared the shit out of me." I stated. He smiled and looked at his feet and back up to me.

"S'ory, weren't you here yesterday?" He asked.

"It's okay and yeah, I came back to see what you painted." I stated. He walked over to the painting.

"It's a collage of things." He said sitting on the ground. I walked over and sat next to him.

"You take pictures?" He asked me, pointing to my camera.

"Yeah, I uh, I took a picture of this." I said showing him the picture of his artwork.

He smiled and looked at me. "That's rad. I'm Jeremy." He said, holding out his hand for me to shake.

I smiled and looked at his hand. I took it and shook it. "I'm Emery."

"That's a cool name, want to hang out?" He asked. I've never had a friend before.

"Sure." I said as I smiled.

Edited-(I have school tomorrow but I'm still gunna stay up late to write this)

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