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(Emery's POV)

When I woke up, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I took out my phone to see if J ever ended up texting me back. No reply, just the word *read* haunting my every thought. I stood up and opened my drawer to dig around for a pair of socks. I had a really bad headache. I stopped what I was doing and rubbed my eyes with my fingers.

I grabbed my socks and turned around a little to quickly and got dizzy. I grabbed the dresser for support and waited a bit. I looked over to the bed to see Brad awake. I almost forgot that this was his room. "Jesus you scared the shit out of me." I stated.

"S'ory, hey where you going?" He asked sitting up on his bed. I looked at my phone in my hand. It was noon. "Jeremy's house, after last night  he's been ignoring me." I stated, my heart sinking a bit more. Brad looked at me with sympathy in his eyes. What was his deal. "Yeah-sorry about yesterday, by the way you might want to wash your face off." He stated. I let out a small chuckle. "Thanks, but I don't want your pity."

I then walked out of the room and to the bathroom, washing off and tears and ran eyeliner and mascara, and I walked out of the apartment. I walked to Jeremy's apartment and rang the doorbell but he didn't answer. I took the key off from around my neck that I wore on a necklace chain that he gave me.

I stuck it into the key hole, unlocked the door and opened it. "Jer?" I called out. No answer. I swear he's home, I saw his car parked out side. I got closer to his room. I opened the door. My heart shattering into a billion tiny pieces. "What the fuck." I stated, getting his attention and the girls attention that was on top of him. "Emery, it's not what it-" I cut him off. "Like hell it is, I fucking can't. Why, why did you-" I trailed off. "Because I couldn't handle all of your fucking problems and everything wrong with you." He stated in all seriousness. I ripped off the necklace and threw it at him.

"Fuck you, fuck her, have fun fucking each other you fucking ass hats." And with that I turned on my heel. Walking out of his place and slamming the door. I walked to the apartment, walking into the the factory where I first met Jeremy. I walked over to the art I took a picture of. I found a can of spray paint on the ground. I grabbed it and painted fuck you, you cheater! On it.

Tears filled my eyes as I walked home. Letting them roll down my cheeks. When I got home I quietly closed the door and connected my phone to the tv, blaring abcdefu by GAYLE. Lucky no one was home. I was fucking pissed.

I walked into my room and began tearing off all the pictures of J and I that I had on my wall. I walked to Tristans room and grabbed his baseball bat. I walked back into my room. Anger setting in, I broke all the things that, that ass hat gave me. I then walked to Brad's room, dragging the bat behind me. I brought the bat up above my camera because how we bonded for the first time.

Then I remembered the day my dad gave it to me. It was my 12th birthday. I begged and begged for it. To my surprise he actually got it for me. I dropped the bat, it's aluminum body clanging against the wood floor in Brad's room, and brought my hands to my face full on crying, sadness now replacing the anger. I switched songs the song that was now playing was goner by Twenty Øne Piløts.

I slowly walked to the bathroom. Turning on the shower and getting in. Sitting on the shower floor still wearing the Stussy sweatshirt and my sweatpants. I brought my my knees to my chest and buried my head in them. Crying as loud as I could. No one was home, it didn't matter.

I didn't bother closing the bathroom door. It didn't matter.  I don't know what time it was but I was still in the bathroom. Now tearless. I was just empty and numb. As the time ticked by, I thought I heard footsteps but I let the thought go and zoned out.

With my head still buried in my knees, I was in my own world, thinking about dad, thinking about Jer, thinking about how I should not be breaking down right now, but I couldn't help it. The one thing good in my life, fucking stabbed me in the back. I was in the middle of thinking about everything , when I was pulled out of my thoughts by someone calling my name.

I slowly looked up to see Brad. I just stared at him with helpless, tired eyes. I don't know why, but then and there I burst into tears.  Brad then spoke. "Hey, Em are you okay?" He asked gently placing his hand on my shoulder. I was surprised by his generosity.

I don't know why but I wanted to tell him everything. He was the only person here and all I had at the moment, even if I do hate him. Before I could think or before Brad could say anything I hugged him. Not caring that my clothes were sopping wet. I knew I surprised him by doing this, hell, I surprised myself by doing this.

Even more surprisingly, he hugged back. I cried into his shoulder,  not bothering to say anything yet. Before I knew it Brad was know in the shower sitting down with me fully clothed as well. He was behind me and I was sat in between his legs crying my eyes out. "Em, are you okay to talk?" He asked hugging my arms.

I sniffled. "J-Jeremy, that stupid mother fucker, fucking cheated on me." I cried. I heard Brad scoff. "The reason why he did is fucked, when I asked him why he said he couldn't deal with all my fucking problems and everything wrong with me." I cried.

"Shhhh, its s'okay." He said trying to comfort me. "You may be an absolute bitch all the time, but nothings wrong with you." He told me. I smiled. "Thanks Brad, promise me you won't tell Tristan, not yet anyway, and can we pretend this whole thing never happened?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I was telling the truth, I don't think anything is wrong with you." He said getting out, holding his hand out to help me up. I took it. I walked to Brad's room and grabbed some clothes. Changing in the bathroom.  The boys were throwing a party tonight for their new album, weird timing given the fact my 18th birthday is tomorrow.

I was gunna get shitfaced. I needed to forget. No more crying, no more being vulnerable. The walls are going back up and set in concrete. Forever this time....or at least I hope.

Edited(fueled by who even knows anymore

She Doesn't Give Her Love to All//The Vamps •Brad Simpson•Where stories live. Discover now