Mate, shes my sister

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Brad and I were sitting on the couch cuddling, Tristan was with Anastasia and Brad didn't have anywhere to be. We were watching Spider-Man 2.

"Your lucky Andrew Garfield as no idea I exist." I told Brad.

"Why?" He asked confused. "He's hot and I am too." I answered. Brad looked at me. "You'd seriously leave me for Spider-Man?" He asked, faking being hurt like he did when I told him he wasn't gunna see my tattoos.

"Let's just say I've got a thing for this version of Peter Parker." I stated.

"I'm offended, do you not love me?" He asked in a goofy dramatic tone.  I laughed, "I'm not saying that, I'm just saying, if this Peter Parker and I were in the same universe something would go down, no disrespect to Gwen Stacy though." I said.

"You are so fucking weird." He stated. "Hey if I was actually weird, I wouldn't have you so hush." I told him.

Halfway through the film Brad started tickling me. "Will you stop." I laughed. He wouldn't stop. Eventually I got free from his grasp and ran around the flat. "Try and catch me Simpson!" I screamed, hoping he wouldn't catch up to me. Eventually he caught up to me, tackling me to the ground.

We were on the floor. "Are you okay." He laughed. "Yeah but I told you to fucking stop." I laughed back. Brad fell down first, me landing on top of him. "You have very pretty eyes." He stated. I blushed, a smirk finding it's way on Brad's face. "So do you." I smiled.

"Hey Em?" Brad asked, placing his hands on my back as we were on the floor. "Yeah?" I asked. "Can I see at least one of your tattoos?" He asked. I looked at him.

"What, it'd be fair, I am your boyfriend now." He stated. I sighed. "Fine." I sat up. Accidentally straddling Brad. I held out my index finger in my right hand. A tiny tattoo of camera shown on the bottom of it.

"I got this shortly after dad left, before I knew he wasn't coming back." I stated. Brad then sat up, putting his hands beside him and leaning back. "How'd we even end up this way?" I asked. Brad looked at me, "I honestly don't know but I'm not complaining." Brad said with a wink.

"Jesus Simpson, you want to know something weird?" I asked him. He looked at me, "Shoot."

"Yesterday morning mom asked what was the deal with me and you and I said nothing, then she told me it was shame, that we'd of have nice looking children, it was weird, like foreshadowing the future, freaky." I stated.

Brad still looked at me, "Are you trying to tell me that you want to have kids with me?" Brad asked. I looked at him wide eyed, "What! No-I mean not right now, it was just weird, like mom new something was going to happen between us." I stated.

He laughed, "I was joking love." He stated kissing me on the lips. As we were mid kiss the door opened. Brad and I freezing and looking up to the door from the floor.

Fucking Christ, it was Tristan.

"What. The. Bloody. Fucking. Hell!" He yelled. Me quickly detaching myself from Brad and standing up, him doing the same.

"I-uh, Tristan, there's something I want to tell you." I stammered.

"What Emery what, that my mate has been snogging you?" He said. I looked at him. "Jesus Tristan, Brad is my boyfriend, don't ask me how it happened because I don't fucking know!"

Tristan looked at Brad, "Mate, she's my sister, my little sister, what is it that you two have hmm? He asked.

"We both found out we liked each other yesterday, and I asked her to be my girlfriend yesterday and she said yes." Brad said.

"I thought you hated each other?" Tris said.

"We learned to hate each other a little less." I stated. Brad added on to the sentence. "....and love a little more." I looked at him with wide eyes. He turned towards me, " I love you Emery." He stated. Everything was moving so fast, like a whirlwind of emotions, but there was no denying that I also love this boy the way he loves me. I smiled, "I love you, Brad."  I stated.

He smiled at me, walking over and placing a kiss to my lips, short but sweet. "You are amazing." I stated. He looked at me and winked. "Ditto."

Tristan coughed. "I-uh, I'll be fine, but Brad I swear to god if you hurt her in anyway that causes her physical or emotional pain, I will run you over with your own car." Tris stated.

"I won't, I promise, this girl, has my fucking heart." He said. I smiled. "This went better than I expected." I said. Tristan looked at me, "what d'you mean?" He asked.  " for sure thought you would be pissed." I stated. Tristan looked between me and Brad, "Oh, I am pissed, but you too seem happy so there's no stopping that." He stated.


It soon became night and I wanted to sleep, I walked into Brad's room and laid down on his bed, he decided that I didn't have to sleep on the cot anymore after he asked me to be his girlfriend and I was thankful. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out, Brad laying down beside me and draping an arm over my waist.

I don't know why or how, but every time Brad hugs or holds me, it feels like home. I felt I was home when I hugged him in soggy ass clothes, I felt home when he hugged me at the bridge, and I feel home right in this moment. I had to tell Brad. I flipped over facing him. "Brad." I whispered. No answer. "Brad." I said a little louder this time. "Baby, why are you still up?" He asked groggily.

I looked at him. "I can't believe I used to hate you, how does someone hate you. I couldn't sleep and I realized something, every time you hug or hold me, it feels like home. I felt home when I hugged you in sopping wet clothes, I felt home when you hugged me at the bridge and I feel home right in this moment." I stated.

"What does that mean?" He asked softly. I looked at him. "Brad, it means your my home. You make me feel safe, happy, loved and protected. Every time I'm with you, I feel home." I smiled.

"I like that." He smiled, placing s kiss to my nose.

"I'll be your home if you be my light when things get way too loud or way too much." He stated.

"Forever." I stated.

"Forever." He repeated.

She Doesn't Give Her Love to All//The Vamps •Brad Simpson•Where stories live. Discover now