Extremely grateful

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It's been a year since Brad and I started dating, the rest of the boys learned that we were a thing through Tris, minus Connor.

Brad and I were walking in a sunflower garden. He said something about having a surprise for me. "Are we there yet?" I asked.

"E, patience is key." He he stated.

"Fine." I huffed. Eventually after some long length of walking he told me to close my eyes so I did. He led me to a place and eventually asked me to open my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I was met with Brad, on one knee holding a velvet box in his hand with a ring inside. This is was weird. A guy I hated a year ago, but somehow loved, was now proposing to me. The world could potentially get weirder.

"Emery Mary Evans, will you do the honour of being my wife?" He asked. I held out my hand and said yes.

"Yes." I stated. He put the ring on my finger and hugged me. "I love you so fucking much." He stated.

"I love you too." I stated.

Before we left, Brad wanted to make it official and wanted the world to know who he loved, posting a picture of him and I happily close to each other with my hand that had the ring facing the camera nonchalantly. He took the picture adding a long ass paragraph attached to it that read:

When I first met you, I don't understand why I hated you, but over time that hate became love and I couldn't contain myself, I'm thankful for all the nights we practically argued and made fun of each other, I'm thankful for the moments when we were somewhat nice to each other even when we didn't want to be, I'm thankful for the late nights when one of us needed the other to lean on and the other was there, I'm thankful I drunkly kissed you at your 18th birthday party, and I'm extremely grateful that I have you in my life to love and for you to love me. Most importantly I am grateful and happy to sometime soon call you my wife.

He posted it and we left. A little while after we left, I got a phone call, it was my mom, I put it on speaker.

Mom- Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, my baby is all grown up, congratulations you two.

Brad-Thank you

Mom-don't you hurt her or I'll assassinate your ass.

Emery-mom! He's not going to, I'll talk to you later

With that I hung up, we eventually made it made it back to the flat. Tristan and Anastasia where in the couch watching Television.

"You know, it's gunna be weird you marrying my sister." Tris stated. I looked at him, "You knew" I asked. "Brad asked for my blessing." He chuckled.

"Ah." I stated sitting down. "So, when do you want to start planning for this?" Anastasia asked with a smile. I looked at her. "Let's start now or it won't happen." I stated. I walked into my room and grabbed a notebook and pen.

When we started planning it was 7, now it was 12 in the morning. Everything was pretty much planned except for invitations, Anastasia was ordering them online.

We made the wedding date for November 5, 2016.

Only 5 months from now. We made sure everyone saw the post Brad made. As soon as Anastasia got the invitations, we would address them and send them out, hoping they all go to where they needed to be in time.

I walked into Brad's room, grabbing his stussy sweatshirt am taking my dress off and putting the sweatshirt on. I then walked over and flipped down on the bed. Brad soon joining me. "I'm fucking tired." I stated.

He rested and arm around my waist and stroked my hair, "Goodnight baby." He said placing a kiss to my cheek. "Night." I said before I finally fell asleep.

When I woke up Brad was still asleep. I got up luckily without waking him. I made my way to the kitchen, a box on the counter. I opened it. It was the wedding invitations. I picked one up and read it.

Together we unite, two families becoming one

Emery Mary Evans
Bradley Will Simpson

Invite you to celebrate their marriage

Saturday • 6th • November • 2016 • at • 6 • in • the • evening

Isle Hotel 2182 Willowing Drive
London, England

I smiled. I sat down and began to put them in envelopes and addressed them. I was halfway through when Brad walked in. "What's that?" He asked. I looked at him, "Our wedding invitations." I stated. He looked into the box and read one.

"Crazy to think that we used to hate each other." He stated. I smiled, "Mother Nature works in very mysterious ways." I stated. He sat down next to me and also began to address some of them.

Eventually, they were all done. "Want to walk down to the post office with me?" I asked him. He smiled. "Yeah." We left the flat and walked down the street to the post office hand in hand.

We set the various invitations in front of the lady working the desk. "Looks like someone's getting married." She stated. Brad spoke. "That would be us." He chuckled.

The lady sighed "oh to be young again." She set the invitations aside and handed me the receipt. I grabbed it, as I did so she looked at the ring in my finger. "This young-man must love you very much." She stated. Brad smiled "Yes indeed I do." He said. I looked at him, "Good because I love you as well."

"You two have fun." She stated as we left. Before we went home, we decided to go on a little walk. "So tell me, how nervous are you?" Brad asked. I looked at him. "Not at all, as long as I'm marrying you, everything will be just fine, I stated kissing his cheek. He smiled. Saying the word we absentmindedly always say to each other "Ditto."

I can't wait to become Mrs. Simpson. Emery Mary Simpson does have a nice ring to it.

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