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I threw on an over sized graphic tee shirt, grabbed my phone and walked out of my room and into the living room. Sitting on the far end of the couch was Brad. I sat on the other end of it. With mom coming in about an hour, I thought about something. Where was mom going to sleep.

I texted Tristan flat mate meeting in living room

Be there shortly he replied

I sat there on the couch and soon enough Tristan came and sat down in the chair next to the couch facing Brad and I. "Okay so I called this meeting because we all know that Tris and I's mom is coming to visit, but where the fuck is she gunna sleep."

Brad looked at Tristan. "My room is off the table." Tris looked at me. "Sorry Em, but so is mine." He stated. "Fucking lovely, if she's sleeping in my room where the fuck am I sleeping?" I stated. "I mean you could always sleep on the floor in your room or my room." My brother suggested. "Mom is a nightmare and you literally snore." I stated. "Fine then I guess your sleeping on Brad's floor." Tris stated.

Brad looked at me and Tristan and I looked at Tristan like he had two heads. "For fucks sake why can't she just sleep on the bloody couch?" Brad argued. "Emery does not have a great track record with couches, there was that one time at a party someone puked on her, one time someone sat on her, and the one time you woke on a random ass couch and Called me to come get you." Tris stated.

"Fucking hell, I'm going to hide shit in my room and then I'm putting some of my shit in Brad's." I stated getting up. I walked to my room and grabbed a bunch of my blankets and my pillows. I carried them to Brad's room and dropped them on an empty space on the floor. I then walked back to my room and hid my extra lighters and all of that jazz.

As I was walking out Tris was walking in. "Jesus Tris." I stated. "S'ory Em, but about J, do you want mum to meet him?" He asked. Shit I didn't want to but it was out of my control. "He wants to meet her, so yeah I guess." I stated walking to Brad's room to start making my blanket-mattress ensemble.

As I was laying down blankets, Brad came into the room. "Jesus fucking Christ, if we're sharing this room for a week, we need rules." He stated. "100 percent agree." I stated as I put the last pillows down. I walked to my room with a notebook and pen.

I sat down on the blankets while Brad took a seat in the desk chair in front of me. At the top of the page I wrote:

Emery & Brad roommate rules
1. Always Knock before entering the room

Brad then spoke up. "What did you write?" He asked holding out his hand. I handed him the notebook and pen. He looked what I wrote and then began to write.

1. No girlfriends or boyfriends in the room

He handed it back and I read what he put. I laughed, "Brad, you don't even have a fucking girlfriend." I told him. He looked at me with anger in his eyes. "Hey, just because I don't have one now doesn't mean I never will, and at least I'm not a bloody 17 year old dating a 20 year old." He retorted.

"Ouch." I said-sarcasm lacing my words. I then began to write the third rule.

3. We each get dressed in the bathroom.

I handed Brad the notebook again. He looked at what I wrote. "Why can't you just get dressed in your room?" He asked. I looked at him. "Because my mom has no boundaries and doesn't knock and will literally walk in like she owns the place. He said oh and began to write.

4. No touching each other's shit

He handed me the notebook back. I looked at the rule and silently agreed. I decided to write the rest of rules and let him add what he wanted.

5. I get to use one of your drawers
6. I am aloud to smoke in here
7. Staying in own sleeping places
8. I get free use of the printer
9. We go back to hating each other after this
10. We have to try and be nice to each other while my moms here

I handed Brad the notebook to Brad and he looked over at me with a face I've never seen before. "Really? One of my drawers." He questioned. "Yeah, Like I said my mom snoops." I stated. He got up and walked over to his dresser and took his clothes out of one of the drawers. "Here you go." He stated. I got up and thanked him. I tore the rules out of the notebook and put them on his bed.

I walked to my room, grabbed a bunch of my clothes like under garments, sweatshirts, band shirts, pants. I then grabbed my camera and some tape. I walked into Brad's room and dropped my stuff on the blankets. I put my camera on top of the dresser, grabbed the tape and tapped the rules to the door.

I then walked over to the dresser and put a piece of tape on it. Writing EMERY'S DRAWER. "Was that really necessary?" Brad asked, standing beside me, with his arms folded across his chest. "Would you rather I accidentally open your underwear drawer?" I asked looking over at him. "True." He stated.

My phone rang and I looked at it. Text message from Tris.

Tris- gone to pick mum up from train station

Emery-okay, I'll probably go get J later

I set my phone on the dresser and walked over to the pile of my clothes and folded them and shoved them into the drawer. "Alright I'm off to get J." I stated as Brad walked out of the room. I look on the floor and saw a black sweatshirt that looked like mine and threw it on. I grabbed my phone, camera, lighter, and cigarettes and walked out of Brad's room and out of the flat.

Edited( fueled by I have no idea what)

She Doesn't Give Her Love to All//The Vamps •Brad Simpson•Where stories live. Discover now