Welcome to the shit show

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The walk to J's wasn't that long, when he answered his door he hugged me and then pulled away. "Whose sweatshirt are you wearing?" He asked getting pissed. I looked down and realized that the sweatshirt that I was wearing wasn't my sweatshirt at all, in the middle of it reading Stussy. I accidentally grabbed Brad's fucking sweatshirt. "For fuck sake, I must have accidentally grabbed The Devil Spawns sweatshirt instead of mine." I said clearly irritated. J let the anger go and walked to the apartment.

When we got there I warned J about my mother. When we opened the door all eyes were on us. My moms, Brad's, Tristans and Anastasia's. I walked over to all the people in the room, Leading J behind me with our intertwined fingers.

"Mom, this is J, J this is my mom." I stated as my mom shook his hand. "It's lovely to meet you." J said. "Same to you, J." She stated, smiling. J sat down on the chair and I sat down on the floor beside him. My mom then went into my room, saying something about fixing something. I knew it was an excuse to go through my shit.

She was gone a while before she came back papers in her hand. "Emery Mary Evans." She stated strictly. For fucksake what have I done now. "Yes mother?" I sneered. "What the bloody hell are these?" She stated walking back into the living room with papers in her hand.

I got up and looked at them. She went through my fucking desk. They were my papers from the clinic about the test and all that Jazz. My throat went dry and I could barley speak. "I-uh, nothing." I stated, everyone looking at me.

"Emery Mary Evans, don't lie!" She scolded me. I was fucking tired of this shit. I blew up not caring about the audience in the room. "For fucksake mom, what do you want me to tell you?! That you had no right to go through my shit? That I had a so called boyfriend about a month ago that I kept from you who was a few years older than me?! Or the fact that he fucking didn't take no as I a bloody answer(my British accent shining though a bit), so I was stuck doing something I didn't want to fucking do-something he didn't have my fucking consent to do?! (I was for sure crying now) Or the fact that what that mother fucker did to me made me have a scare and caused me stomach problems, him having nothing to do with it and blaming it on me, so I had to go to the clinic and it being negative and the stomach problems because he hurt me? Sorry that I'm not your fucking pretty little Princess anymore, sorry I'm not a goddamn virgin, it wasn't my fucking choice apparently, sorry I'm not  anything like  goddamn Tristan, old me died a long time ago, everything fucking changed when dad left!Welcome to the fucking shit show!" I yelled, tears threatening to spill over my eyes.

Everyone was still looking at me. "I feel like you don't care about me or others,  Emery." My mother stated, of course brushing over the fact of the shit wrong with my life that I just told her.

I looked at her, a few tears rolling down my cheeks. "Jesus mom, at least care for me, but of course I do, it's me I don't fucking care about!" I said walking to Brad's room and slamming the door. When I shut the door I leaned my back against the door and slid down it till I was in the floor with my knees to my chest crying my eyes out.

My phone buzzed. I slowly took it out of the sweatshirt pocket, no longer caring it was Brad's. It was J.

J- im gunna go

E-im sorry I should have told you about everything

J- it's fine ig


He was mad, I knew he was. I fuck everything up.  I walked to my drawer and pulled out a pair of sweatpants. Already breaking rule number 3. We get dressed in the bathroom. Fuck it. I changed into the sweatpants and laid down on my makeshift mattress, pulling a blanket over me. I pulled out my phone.

I needed music. I got up and walked to Brad's desk and grabbed his Bluetooth speaker. Breaking yet another rule, rule number 4. No touching each other's shit. I walked back to my palette of blankets in the floor and sat down. I turned on the speaker and paired it to my phone, I sat the speaker on the end of Brad's bed and I laid back down, not bothering to pull the blanket over me and began to play my sad ass playlist on full volume.

First song that started to play was December by Neck Deep.  That was the song I fell sleep to. I cried myself to sleep. Not remembering when Brad came into the room.

(Brad's POV)

I don't know how everything happened, but it did. One moment Emery was walking in with J, wearing my sweatshirt, it should have bothered me, but it didn't for some reason-then the next  she and her mum were yelling. I caught parts of their argument, something about Emery having a boyfriend before J that didn't ask for her consent, and her telling her mum that the old Emery was gone and that everything changed when her dad left. For a moment I felt sorry for her.

No one deserves to be treated that way. The argument died down a bit. Her mum told her that she felt like Emery didn't care about her or anyone else. I then looked into Emery's eyes, filled with tears. As I did so, she spoke, "Jesus mom, at least care for me, but of course I do, it's me I don't fucking care about!" As she said that, I was still looking into her eyes, and when she said that she didn't care about herself, I saw the despair and heartbreak through her big blue eyes, in every word she spoke was laced with agony.

She then walked to my room and slammed the door.  Shortly after that Tristan and Anastasia left, dropping off his mum at her boyfriends house. It was 'round 5 or 6 and I heard music coming from my room. I walked over and opened the door. On the floor was a very broken girl-different from the girl who was usually a complete bitch.

She was asleep, curled up in a ball, still wearing my sweatshirt, her face covered with dried tears and mascara. She looked beautiful. Wait, wait, wait- Brad, your supposed to hate her, I told myself. I let the thought go and looked over at my bed. There sat my Bluetooth speaker.

At the moment I didn't care she broke one of the rules, she was in pain. The song that was currently playing was Come Over by the crawlers. I walked to my dresser and grabbed a towel and what not. Walking to the door and to the bathroom.

I needed a shower. When the water hit my face I let myself think about why I called Em beautiful. It was weird. We absolutely hate each other. Or at least we always have. I pushed that thought behind me and thought about the party we were throwing tomorrow for our up coming tour and album.

After my shower I got dressed and went back to my room and slept. Trying not think about Emery at all.
What the fuck was happening.

(End of Brad's POV)

Edited(fueled by my playlist called songs i've been vibing to lately)

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