Whats a few bruises anyway

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I woke up at 7. I walked to the bathroom so I could take a shower before Jeremy arrived so we could go to the skatepark. After my shower, I got a towel and wrapped it around my body and walked out of the bathroom, as I was walking out of the bathroom I ran into something hard, falling on my ass.

"You've got to be shitting me." I said as I looked up to see Brad. "Jesus fuck, watch where your going." He said, looking at his phone. "Me, watch where I'm going, says the one who has his face buried in his fucking phone." I sorta yelled.

He then looked up and realized I was in a towel. He stared at me a minute before helping me up. "S'ory, a'right?" When I got to my feet he stared at me still.

"Brad, what the hell is wrong with you." I said noticing he is still staring at me.

"I-uh, nothing, but next time you fall I hope it's on your face." He sated still standing there. "You're a fucking weirdo." I stated as I shoved pass him. When I reached my room, I shut the door and got dressed.

My outfit consisting of an oversized flannel over a Catfish and The Bottlemen shirt, along with a pair of black skinny jeans and my beloved black high top vans. I checked myself out in my mirror and decided it was fine.

I grabbed my phone and it was now 8. I told Jeremy to be here around 9. I walked to the kitchen with my skateboard and leaned it against the counter. I grabbed an apple and Tris walked in

"Why are you up so early?" He asked me. I looked at my phone and it was 8:49. "Jeremy and I are going to the skatepark, speaking of which, he should be here soon." I stated, taking a seat at the counter. I waited 15 minutes and there was a knock at the door. I got up from where I was sitting and opened it. It was Jeremy. "Hey E." He said giving me a hug and a kiss on the head.

Tristan witnessing the whole thing. "Make sure your back around like 2:00, mum has a train here for 4:00." He stated.

"Yeah, okay." I stated. I grabbed my skateboard and walked to the door. "Bye Tris." I stated as I walked out of the apartment.

We arrived at the park, "Jer, do you even know how to skate?" I asked him I put my board on the ground. "Well n-not really." He said. I smiled at him, watch and learn." I told him, dropping the board and getting on it." I sat off down the concrete and did some tricks. I skated back over.

"Whoa, rad." He said when I stopped and kicked my board back up. "You wanna try?" I asked, holding the board out for him. "What if I die?" He asked.

"J, babe, your not gunna fucking die, I'll be here to help you." I reassured him as I laughed. I sat my board down and he got on it. Moving his leg against the concrete and setting off. Me holding onto him the whole way.

He was speeding up and going really fast. His hands now tightly wrapped around my wrists because he was afraid he was gunna fall. "How the fuck do I stop!?" He asked, panic lacing his words.

"Put your foot down or something!" I told him. He didn't listen and before I knew it we were going towards the bowl in the middle of the park. "Jesus fucking fuck, we're going to die." I said trying to keep up with him, his hands still around my wrists.

"I thought you said we weren't gunna die!" Jeremy said.

"I might of lied!" And before I knew it we both fell into the bowl, Jeremy and the board fell first, J dragging me down with him do to the fact his grip was still around my wrist. I fell on top of Jeremy, the board jabbing me in the side.

I sat up slowly, my side and wrist hurting. "Jeremy, oh god, are you fucking okay?" He sat up and rubbed his knees. "Yeah, just my knees are a little sore, what about you?" He asked looking at me with concern, his eyes wide.

She Doesn't Give Her Love to All//The Vamps •Brad Simpson•Where stories live. Discover now