The Birthday Party

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(A:N this chapter is gunna be a little longer than usual, but I hope you guys enjoy it 🖤)

After we got home after the whole thing, Tristan hugged me. And of course mom was there. I probably should tell her what happened if Tristan hasn't already. Not now though. I'm tired.

"Hey mom." I stated. "Hello Emery, I'm sorry about the other day." She stated. I smiled, happy that she said she was sorry for what happened, something she hadn't done before. "It's okay mom, before my birthday party tomorrow, do you want to go shopping with me?" I asked.

"Actually I'd love that, I'll see you in the morning." She stated walking to my room. I said goodnight to Tris and knocked on Brad's door to make sure I could come in. He opened the door and I walked in.

"I need sleep." I stated, walking over to my drawer and opening it. I dug around in my drawer looking for something to wear to bed. I barely had anything. I shut the drawer with a sigh and dug around the dirty clothes of mine on the floor. Nothing. "You've got to be shitting me." I stated.

"What?" Brad stated from his bed. I sighed and ran my hand down my face tiredly. "All my clothes are fucking dirty or in my room." I stated in a tired frustrated tone. "That sucks." Brad said, sitting on the edge of his bed. He looked at me and then to one of his drawers. He then got up and opened one of them, pulling out a pair of gym shorts and throwing them at me.

"Seriously?" I stated, catching the shorts in my arms. "Don't flatter yourself, Em, we made a deal earlier to be some-what nice to each other every once in awhile, this is me being nice." He stated walking back to his bed. I groaned. "Fine." and with that I walked out of the room and into the bathroom.

I get changed into the shorts which were a little to big on me. They were really baggy and hung too low on my knees. I kept the shirt I was already wearing on. I took off the nights makeup, threw my hair into a messy bun, and walked back to Brad's room.

"See aren't you at least a tiny bit happy I let you borrow those?" Brad asked from where he was laying on his bed, playing on his phone. "I guess, but they're literally too big on me." He looked up from his phone again. "Aye, be grateful." He said.

"Whatever, I need sleep even though tomorrow is something I'm not exactly looking forward to." I stated laying down on my make-shift mattress.  I heard Brad get up and lay back down, soon greeted by his face at the end of his bed. "Why d'you say that?" He asked, resting his head on his hands.

I looked at him. "Because, tomorrow I turn 18 and that's not exactly something I should be excited for." I stated. Brad still looked me. "When I turned 18 I had a bloody great time." He stated. I sighed. "Yeah but I've done everything, I've been drinking since I was 15, I already have tattoos, I'm not a fucking virgin, and I don't have someone in my life who loves me and I don't I have someone to love back."

Brad stared at me still. "You have Tattoos?" He asked moving his face closer to mine. I didn't understand why he did that, but before I could think I moved mine closer to his too. "Yeah, but your never gunna see them." I stated, moving my face away from his.

"I'm hurt." He said being sarcastic. "You'll get over it." I said back, flipping over so my back faced him. "You still have stuff to be excited for, like your photography, you could travel the world, you could be whoever you want to be, see so many things, and still end up being the person you want to be." He stated.

What he said was actually true, I could do those things, why was Brad-as in the the Brad I've always hated since the very first time I met him, why was he giving me life advice? I didn't mind, it was just weird. "Yeah, I guess, thanks for the life advice mumbo jumbo and all the jazz." I stated.

She Doesn't Give Her Love to All//The Vamps •Brad Simpson•Where stories live. Discover now