A dog, Two Kids, A House, and A Wife

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(Brad's POV)

It's been like 3 years since I married the love of my life, since we bought this house, and since we had our two kids and bought a dog.

Emery was currently reading a book to our three year old son, Luke, while I was in the corner having a tea party with our 2 year old daughter, Scarlett. It was 2019 and the boys and I had a tour coming up, but Joe managed a way for my family to come with, Emery would take pictures during shows while one of the crew members or she watched the kids.

Our dog Charlie was laying on the floor next to Emery. It was nice, having a family. Even on tour I didn't have to miss them as they'd be with me every step of the way.  Tristan was the Godfather of them both, my sister Nat being the godmother in case something happened to myself, Emery, or Tristan and Anastasia.

I wonder if Emery and I still would have found our way to each other if she hadn't moved into the flat with me and Tristan 4 years ago, it was all so sudden. Then again, I don't even remember why she moved in with us in the first place.

"Hey Emery?" I asked from the corner of the living room. She looked at me the way she always looks at me, with love and happiness in her eyes. "Yes?" She asked.

"How come you moved into the flat with Tris and I four years ago?, I asked. She put the book that she was reading to Luke down, "Because I stole alcohol from the store down the road from where my mum lives, and she kicked me out because of it." She laughed.

Emery was still wild like she was when she was younger, but now she was 21, but still her self. I should of known that was the reason why. She also finally got her accent back around a year ago, although I will miss the way she spoke in an American accent.

"Vwhats alilchol?" Luke questioned from in front of Emery. She turned her attention towards him and smiled. "Something your not allowed to have until your much bigger." She said with a smile.

"Wike big wike daddy is?" Luke questioned. I laughed. "Yeah, that's why you've got to drink your milk and eat alllll your vegetables at dinner tonight." She stated.

"Fwine." Luke huffed.

It was around 5 and Luke and Scarlett were playing together in the living room. Emery was in the kitchen making dinner. I walked in and snaked my arms around her waist. "Bradley Will Simpson, I have told you more than once not to sneak up on me when I'm in the fucking kitchen." She scolded.

"Sorry, sorry, I just wanted to tell you that I think I finally understand what you meant when you told me that I feel like home. Every time I'm with you and the kids I feel home, every time I look at them or you, I feel home and I know everything is okay and will be okay, no matter what happens." I stated. She stopped what she was doing and turned around.

"It's a great feeling too, isn't it?" She asked me.

I looked at the kids in the living room and back at her, "Yeah, it is, I can't believe I ever hated you." I stated. She turned back around and continued what she was doing. "I can't believe I ever hated you either, literally the first time Tristan brought you over to mums house I wanted to punch you in the face and I have no idea why, maybe it was the love in my bones trying to make a scene or make me realize something." She stated.

I laughed. "You seriously wanted to punch me in the face?" I asked her. "In my defense that was before I realized I love you." She said in a defensive tone.

"I'm slightly offended." I joked. "When I first met you, I thought you were chill, that is until you opened your mouth." She laughed at that.

"I don't know what younger me was thinking but I'm sorry I annoyed you." She chuckled.

"Never in a million years did I think that my best friends sister, would end up liking the same bands as me or even liking me in general." I told her.

"People change all the time honey, I'm just glad I changed when I did, if I didn't I have a feeling I would still be alone and not have any of this." She said, walking to the sink, referring to me, the house, the kids, and Charlie.

"Im glad both of us changed, but Emery, promise me you'll never stop being the person you've always been, I love the way you are, the way you've always been, the bitchy-ness was just a plus." I joked.

She turned around. "Thank you, and I don't want you changing who are either Simpson, the dickness was not a side of you I liked but I learned to love it, so don't you ever fucking change." She stated.

She walked back to the stove and took off what ever she was cooking on it and placed it onto a pan she had on the counter. I sat at the counter and admired what she was doing and what she was wearing. She was wearing a Foo Fighters shirt, black ripped skinny jeans-that held her cigarettes and lighter in the back pocket- and she was wearing striped black and white socks.

God how I love her and everything that makes her the way she is. I was knocked out of my thoughts by Emery's voice. "Simpson, your staring again." She joked. I stood up and looked at her, "What, I'm just admiring the true beauty that I'd my wife." I stated.

"Brad, you do that on a daily, your lucky it doesn't freak me the fuck out." She said. I hugged her.

"I'm never gunna get enough of this y'know." I told her through the hug. "Don't worry, neither am I." She stated.

"Good." I said in a grateful tone.

"I love you." She said, as I continued to hug her, then whispered in her ear, "Ditto."

The End

(A:N) okay so I know I kinda rushed the ending a bit, and I'm sorry, I'll probably edit the story sometime down the road. I hope you've enjoyed this story, I'm currently working on a new one, happy reading(:      )

She Doesn't Give Her Love to All//The Vamps •Brad Simpson•Where stories live. Discover now