𝘕𝘰𝘵 𝘥𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘬 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥 ➟𝘏𝘢𝘬𝘬𝘢𝘪.𝘚

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It's his party and you're absolutely wasted. Probably even beyond wasted. You thought it was a good idea to get everyone together and throw Hakkai a birthday party since like ... it was his birthday (duh)

The night started off perfectly fine. Everyone mingling with one another and taking in small portions of white liquor to get the fun started. As the party went on, that small portion turned into big portions mixed with Red Bull or juices into a red plastic cup. Draken at one pint pulled out all types alcoholic drinks. Ranged from whiskey to beer he had it all. You not wanting to be left behind you decided to take a glass of the strongest whiskey he had and swallowed it in one go chasing it with a coke.

Everyone now buzzing and partying hard, you were also kicked in dancing with Hakkai. Your hips coming dangerously close to him. Your ass grinding on him without holding back. Hakkai not sure how to react he decides to play along but with the biggest blush painted red across his face. Good thing the venue was dark with the different colored lights moving or else he'd be exposed to everyone at how red his face was.

The beat of the song with adrenaline and drunken straight intensifies your boldness. You're passing your hand over his arm making him break out in goose bumps. Grab his hands and place then on your hips as you work your hips against his rustling in his blush only depending on color. Hugs every so often and small hand grabs are not to be forgotten.

"(Y/n) I think you should slow down on the drinks. You're drunk" he looks at you wanting to get you so chill out before the simp in him erupted from you being touchy towards him. He didn't mind - oh baby no. It was the total opposite - He loved having you touch him; it made him feel wanted and with his big crush on you, it conformed to him that your might like him the same way he does.

" 'm not drunk, Kai !! IM ESSCITED" you slur your words with a giggle that makes him shakes his head with a chuckle. Even though he understood what you said, it was time to get you to down some water to sober you up a bit before you did anything extreme. Like get on the bar the venue had and fall while trying to climb up.

Placing his hand on your waist to support you in your wobbly drunken state, Hakkai helps you to a table that was set up with some party decor and small party gifts for the guests. "Hold tight for me. I'll be right back with a some water. Don't leave ! I mean it" he points at you but you play full pull his finger waiting to him to make a burp sound. When he looked confused at what was going on he looks down at his finger then up at you.

He looks down at his finger once again brining it up to his face to look of something was wrong by there wasn't. "Hakkai you're so - cute pleaasseee - oh my god" you swoon with a hiccups starting to erupt. Noticing this Hakkai decides to straighten up from his bend down pose in front of you. He doesn't get far since you rest your hands on his neck and bring him in towards you.

Going wide eyed at feeling his lips come in contact with yours he blinks. He starts to relax when he feels your lips move against his - closing his eyes he cups your cheeks responding to your lips. You decide to take it a little farther and add some tongue. This takes him by surprise when he feels you exploring his mouth - water ling forgotten and his urge to match your energy he goes for the kill and uses his tongue against yours making them wrestle for the high power in the kiss.

Pulling away you giggle saying incoherent words that snapped Hakkai out his trace after the kiss. The blush he once had was no longer there. Now it was a stupid boyish grin that went from ear to ear. Hearing you hiccup one last time he remembers once again what he was going to do his grin now an alarm look he quickly scrambles up from in front of you.

"Right water ! (Y/n) stay here -, I'll be right back" he weaves through between the people in search for water while you stay behind a bit sober - aware of what had just happened. "Hold on- Hakkai ..... but I'm already sober" you slump into the chair you're on throwing your head back, tracing your lips with a goofy grin of your own.

 but I'm already sober" you slump into the chair you're on throwing your head back, tracing your lips with a goofy grin of your own

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