𝘞𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘭 ➟𝘒𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘰.𝘏

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Getting home from a long day of work was something you wanted to do as soon as possible

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Getting home from a long day of work was something you wanted to do as soon as possible. Making your way from the busy train station and through the buzzing people - you hurried feeling your sleep starting to catch up to you.

Getting to the modern apartment building; you make your way up to the floors in the elevator, leaning on the railing it had inside to support yourself from falling, from the sleepy feeling starting to over power you. The elevator dings and the doors open indicating that you were where you were suppose to.

Looking for your keys in your bag you don't see the fucked up man at your door trying to smile but the bruise on his bottom lip doesn't let him curl his lips upwards. "There you guys are" you dig around finally feeling your keys - looking up to insert your keys, your peripheral vision catches up with Kakucho leaning on the wall.

Looking over to him you jump from not noticing him earlier. The sleep you once felt quickly dissolving at the sight of him. What scared you the most was how beat up he was. Dried up blood on his lips and some that seemed to have slid down from his eyebrows. Along with his hair being a mess and not in it's normal curtain style and dress shirt wrinkled up.

"Fuck,you scared me" you open your door grabbing his hand along the way to get him inside and treat him.

"Go to the kitchen. The lighting is better there" you instruct going into your bathroom to get alcohol and some bandages. It wasn't a full on first aid kit but it would have to do.

"Sweetheart I'm fine. No need to worry" Kakucho sits up on a stool located under your island. Hearing his words you try to sooth your nerves but his words and woulds said different things. "No you're not, Kucho" your figure emerges from the small hall to the kitchen.

"Don't give me that 'I'm okay' and sweet talk me. You dead ass appear like everything's fine with fresh and dried up blood - a torn shirt and dirtied pants. You're lucky I was rushing to get home or you would have passed out at the door." You press a cotton ball on the cut over his eyebrow firmly to make it sting. He winces but you continue to dab the area then adding a small bandage on it. Continuing to do that for any other cut on his face, you don't notice the fixed gaze Kakucho has on you. His legs were apart and you in between them trying to clean off as much blood as you could. He noticed how you were chewing the inside of your cheek from the nervousness and your hand tremble as you cleaned his cuts.

He felt bad showing up like it was nothing but he simply found his way to your place. Even though he knew you'd get upset at seeing him this way - he knew you would fix him up no matter what. To his surprise you weren't lashing out nor crying. But that hand tremble was a sign that you were trying your best to not finish beating him up for getting beat up.

"Ouch ! what the fuck ?" he jumps to the sting on his temple. "Shut up and take the pain" you grab your fourth cotton ball dowsing it in alcohol then pressing it harder into his bottom lip. Shutting his eyes he flinches, grabbing your arm to pull away. Rolling your eyes you pull your arm out his grasp finishing up.

"Done" you say screwing on the top of the alcohol bottle and throwing the dirty control balls away. Coming back in between his legs you reach up passing your hand through his black locks, combing it back so you could see if you missed any spot. As you do so, Kakucho's arms wrap around you and nuzzles into your sweater. "Thank you, princess" "Don't princess me,Hitto. You got me over here ready to down a bottle of relaxers." Your arms come around his neck tightly bringing him in close. "Tomorrow as soon as you wake up, I'll clean those cuts with warm water mixed with salt." Smiling to your reaction knowing you fought the urges to cry and even yell at him he couldn't help but simply smile at your efforts. 

Staying in the embrace in a comfortable silence for a few seconds you feel Kakucho pull a way a bit to talk. "Not to get your heart racing or anything but my leg got shot" "Yea, you're in you're own. Drag yourself to the hospital" you let go of him but he keeps his arms around you - giving you no escape. His low chuckles fill the calm apartment "I'm just playing, baby. No need to undo belt. Someone's frisky,Hmm~" "Bitch I'm trying to get these dirty ass clothes into the washer. You left some clothes here so you'll be fine" you give up on his belt and go get him some clean clothes to change into. "I love you, you know that" he yells out to you from his seat in the stool "Yea , you love worrying me too" you scoff still feeling jittery but trying to hide it so he wouldn't worry.

"I fucking won too"

"Only thing you won was that black eye and busted lip" you hand him a spare pair of clothes

"Do I win a kissy kiss ?" He flutters his eyes at you making you give in and kiss him. "Oh ? Seems like your kiss has healed me"

"I love you, ya big idiot, now go change" you push him towards the bathroom and close the door "I expect cuddles tonight, you hear !!?" "Yes of course, anything for my bruised baby " you roll your eyes with a smile and a few tears rolling down your cheek, you had been suppressing since he showed up.

"I love you, ya big idiot, now go change" you push him towards the bathroom and close the door "I expect cuddles tonight, you hear !!?" "Yes of course, anything for my bruised baby " you roll your eyes with a smile and a few tears rolling down you...

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