𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘳 𝘱𝘦𝘥𝘢𝘭𝘴 ➟𝘔𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘺.𝘚

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He heard it from Kokonoi

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He heard it from Kokonoi. Why from him ? Because Kokonoi is definitely the type to find out about everything. Not only that but he also knew you. You had reached out forhim as soon as you got engaged. A month before the wedding, you sent out invitations and the money loving male got one along with Kakucho and the rest of Bonten.

Kokonoi fanboyed over the design of the invitation. The lace like feel to the thick paper. The fancy font and the color of the envelope it came in. It was a surprise to all of them that you'd even invite them after everything, they were still involved with Mikey.

You didn't care about that. You cared for the friendship they still held with you. The comfort and understanding they gave you when Mikey gave your love away. It didn't matter to you if they were in his social group as well. In the end he wouldn't care if you got married. It was his decision to end things with you so there was no reason to ever get yourself associated with him ever again.

"Where's it gonna be ?" He asks Sanzu as Sanzu hide his gun under his blazer. Sanzu smirks tilting his head up to see Mikey staring at him from the door of the gangs hideout. The room became dimmer when Mikey steps into it.

"(Y/n) has always been simple. You'd think their wedding would be too. They're a different person now. The same but different. They smiles more now. They have that glint of mischief in their eyes. The way they carries theirselves with more confidence, you'd think they'd be the boss of a mob. Most importantly they're happy". Sanzu's tone of voice, sounds mocking to Mickey. He let it slide knowing he deserved for the words to cut deep.

Sanzu purposely avoided the question his leader had asked. He didn't want Mikey to show up and make a scene of depression and fuck up the lively mood everyone would be in. Picking up the bouquet of flowers that were in them with the colors of your wedding - Sanzu calls out for the others.

"C'mon fuckers !!! We're going to be late !!"

"Speak for yourself. We've been waiting for you for an hours now" Rindou scoffs and Kakucho rolls his eyes, getting up to exit first.

"We'll be back around midnight. We can then talk about where we can invest the money in" Kokonoi gives Mikey an advance of plans.

As all of them made there way to the venue, only Sanzu was the one who caught a streak of white hair from the corner of his eye. Once they arrived he felt the need to bring Kakucho with him and let the others finish arriving without them.

" 'Kucho" Sanzu tugs his shirt, pulling him aside. "Mikey's here"

Kakucho goes stiff and blinks a few times not sure if Sanzu was playing around or being serious. As the two were talking, they're didn't know that Mikey had actually followed them and was just about to knock on the door of the room you were in talking with your soon to be spouse. On the phone cause them seeing you and you seeing them would be bad luck.

"I'll see you there then, I love you" you could practically see the goofy grin they made on the other line of the phone. "Don't leave me at the alter" they finish up saying as a joke - though deep inside they were scared you'd leave.

"Please !!! I'd never embarrass someone like that. I'll see you inna minute dummy. I love you too" you hang up smiling and look into the mirror of the vanity you were sitting in front of.

Light hair, dark eyes, dark circles and a expressionless face - greets you as you looked into the mirror. "You look just as beautiful as the day you left. Even more if I say so"

You scoff hearing his monotone voice. "Let's make it clear that you were the one that left that night. How dare you show up the day I'm to establish something that will make me happy in the end"

"That's why I'm here. Wanted to apologize for doing that to you" he said in hopes of maybe - just maybe having your heart flutter for him one last time.....Sadly your heart never did flutter nor did your eyes have that shine you once had when you were around him.

You stay silent, turning to look at him with a perplexed face. Who in their right mind would even do that ? Oh that's right, he wasn't in his right mind.

"Manjiro, I don't care. I understand what you went through and what you're going through - but I can't accept your apology. You're four years late and I hope you can understand that. This will be our last time we ever meet and talk. When we encounter one another in the street or a place, we will be strangers. If my name ever pops up in a conversation, I hope you act like you never met me as I will do the same. I wish you luck and nothing but the best. You were once my undying love while now you're just a memory I wish to erase".

While you finished up - all of Bonten had been told what was going on. As you say your last words, Akashi opens the door and in come the men.

"Good you're ready ! C'mon c'mon, the ceremony will start in ten" Ran grabs ahold of your hand pretty much dragging you with his brother as Rindou places a hand on your lower back to usher you out. While being rushed out you give Mikey one last look and a weak smile. "Congratulations, my beloved (y/n)"

His words were heard clearly. They don't bring you to feel anything. Not even a want to cry. You were in happy place with your to be spouse. There was no need to live in the past when the future of something real and loving was waiting for you at the end of the of the trail of the scattered flower pedals.

 There was no need to live in the past when the future of something real and loving was waiting for you at the end of the of the trail of the scattered flower pedals

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This was a request on tumblr and
Ofc I wanted to hurt y'all the same way as the tumblr people.

Y'all stay safe !! Comment and vote <3

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