𝘊𝘶𝘵𝘦 𝘳𝘰𝘢𝘳𝘴 ➟ 𝘚𝘩𝘶𝘫𝘪.𝘏

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"Fuck" his head swiftly turn to look up at his father who was pushing him

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"Fuck" his head swiftly turn to look up at his father who was pushing him. "No papa bad word !!!" You hear your son yell out from behind you in the stroller. "Yes shuji, bad word" you tease looking behind you and bouncing your eyes from your toddler to your husband. "Papa bad word" your son continues to repeat. When the toddler goes silent you turn around to see him in his fathers arms. "Papa no bad word" he whispers to Hanma.

Smiling you push the stroller to let them have a father-son moment and you go back to looking at the aisles of different toddler costumes. "Do you wanna be a lion or do you wanna be like daddy ? Like all bad ass and will beat the total shit out of people" Hanma shines his son the brightest smile.

His smile and words weren't helping the fact that his gun peaked from under his shirt when he raised his arms with his child in them to pretend like he was flying. Seeing it from the corner of you eye, you move the stroller to cover his back but of course the people around you saw the black magazine with the silver engraved initials that stood for Hanma Shuji.
A lady yanked her child from next to you as you were helping him reach for a transformers costume when she saw the gun. She rushed her ass out that aisle hoping that no shooting would happen while she was there. "Mommy I want that one" "no no, baby we'll go somewhere else" you could hear her trying to use her hushed voice but with her being alarmed the hushed voice never came.

"PAPA BAD WORD" your child yells at the top of his lungs slapping his little hand in the middle of Hanma's face. Hanma stood straight, still with the little hand on his face. "Okaay, I'll take him now" you chuckle taking the boy from his fathers arms.

"Ouch" is all Hanma says smiling at his son who looked away like he didn't give one single fuck and threw his short arms around your neck to hug you. "Aweee my baby loves me" you coo kissing your sons head. "Don't worry about your dad....can't teach an old dog new tricks" you throw your husband a shady look that your son copied.
"So I'm the bad guy !?"

"Asked the man with a beretta in his pants ~" you sing continuing to poke fun at him.
After a little while you felt a light weight on your shoulder and noticed that a little someone was asleep. Hanma also noticing he volunteers to take him for you so you could finish up. "Okay so I have this one and this one" you pull out two costumes showing them to the tall male.
"I don't know. Take them both (?)"

"I'll take this one then" you look through the costume in your right hand and put the one in the left back up on the rack.
"Notice how there aren't many people here" Hanma bends to your height when you to get to checking yourselves out.
"That's a good thing. Less people to interact with"

"I mean yea. Though I wouldn't mind talking to people" Hanma may be a gang member but he loves the idea of talking to people. He's just a social butterfly who even if people don't talk to him he'll take it upon himself to start a conversation.
Behind you was a couple who saw your baby boy and fawned over him. "He's so cute" the lady coos and the man smiles agreeing. Their smiles falter when Hanmas hand runs through his hair and they see his tattoo. The sin part of the tattoo wasn't all too appealing to them but they didn't care much since they started to talk to Hanma while you payed.

"It was nice meeting you guys. Take care~" Hanma smiles and waves walking behind you. "They were nice" he chimes walking to the car.

Now with your little monster awake again, you showed him the costume you got for him. He portrayed the same excitement as his father when something peaks his interests. Having a child knowledge of Halloween - all he knew was that he got to put it on and ask for candy - that making him hurry you up to change him into the costume.

All dressed up in his bear costume and a small portion of his nose painted black and the bear like feet that came along with the costume you take a few quick pictures of him. "Let's show papa ?" You take his hand leading him to Hanma who was located in the living room no other than with his glasses on and shining up the same gun he had in his pants.
Seeing you walk in with the baby, he quickly shoved it under a cushion and gives you all his attention.

"Papa papa 'ook" the little bear runs to the front of his dad to show case the costume. You catch up, sitting down next to Hanma. Seeing his son happy and giggling was Hanma's happiness. Along with you by his side, he didn't mind having small pitter patters sound around the house.
"How does a bear go, baby ?" You ask bringing up your hand, making them look like claws by bending your fingers
"Rwar" the boy brings up his hands as well and roars cutely. Hanma hearing this, his heart overloads with cuteness. His eyes start to tear from seeing his child impersonate a grizzly and dressed up as one. "D-did you see that" his voice cracks turning to your smiling form.
"H-he said rOWr" his voice cracks again bringing you into a hug to hide his now red face.

"I have the cutest son ever !! Do it again, bubs"

"RWAR" the child giggles seeing his fathers reactions



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