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Itachi & I had just came back from our business trip, we both were tired from all the work.

Unlocking the door quietly since Sasuke and Izumi could've been sleeping.

We walked in, to our surprise it wasn't quiet at all. In fact, we heard nothing but loud moans.

-We both looked at each other, concerned. Itachi being the relaxed one calmed me down. Slowly walking towards Sasuke's room.

-The door was closed. I slowly peeked through the little way.

-Izumi under Sasuke, her legs on his shoulders. They were under the covers. Itachi quickly took a picture and slowly dragged me out.

-It happened so soon that I didn't realize that we were outside. Itachi, he acted like he knew it. It made me question myself.

'Was I dumb enough to not realize it?'

'It isn't the first time, why am I so surprised?'

-Itachi locked the door without it making any noise, he turned towards me.

-Hugging me tightly, I stuffed my face in his shoulder, hugging him back.

-I was quite upset, we've made sure anything like this won't happen. So why did he do it?

-Without hesitation, Itachi took my hand and started walking towards his car.

-He patted my shoulder, "We'll go to my house, if that's alright with you." I nodded my head. "Yeah, sure."

- He had his own house which he often used for meetings and work. He got in his seat, driving out of the driveway as quick as possible.

-"I'm so sorry about this." He says, keeping his eyes on the road. "I-It's not your fault, don't worry about it."

-He sighed, letting out a shaky breath. "By any chance, did you know about this?" I closed my eyes, in order to stop the incoming tears. Which I succeeded at.

-"Of course not, what makes you think that?" He looked at me, as we reached the destination. "It's just that you weren't reacting to it.."

-"I'm surprised myself, I really had no clue about this. It was all of a sudden, I'm sorry if you got it the wrong way." He apologized as we stepped out of the car.

-"No, you're okay." My voice trembled. "Naruto.." he hugged me, assuring me it was okay.

-"It is okay to be upset, please just don't keep it in." I was on the verge of losing it.

-I hugged him tightly, "Thank you once again, Itachi." I smiled, we stood there until he made sure I was fine.

-"Are you ready to go in?" He asked, looking at me dead in the eyes. It was scary but hilarious. "Yeah!" I laughed rubbing my eyes.

-"Great!" He smiled quickly.

-We're currently eating food that Itachi ordered, since neither of us were productive enough to make or do anything at the moment. Itachi was extremely talkative, probably trying to get my mind off the whole situation.

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