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Naruto rested his chin on my shoulder while moving his hands down my waist..

"N-Naruto!" I looked back and accidentally kissed him. I quickly pulled away, " w-what are you doing?!" He gripped on my belt and pulled me back. "Isn't this what you wanted, Sasuke?" He smirked.

"Yeah but-!..." I grew quiet, "but what? Do you not want this? I can stop right now if you wan-" I quickly shook my head and kissed him. "No..I want it." I turned around facing him. He undressed me with his eyes.

"What do you want? be specific." He laughed attractively. I placed my hands and on his chest, "You." I made eye contact with him as he looked down. His smirk grew wider, "You little-" he chuckled. In no time, I slammed my lips against his.

He was surprised at first, but soon picked me up and brought me to the changing room, which wasn't that far away tbh. He locked the door and threw me on my feet, turning me around so I could face one of the mirrors.

Small smut scene ahead<3

I took my pants off, bending over. He smirked and put his hands on both sides of my hips pushing them forwards and backwards on his member as I moan quietly. Suddenly he gets a call, "Tch.." he picked up the call still thrusting in & out.

"What?!" He yelled without looking who it was.

"N-Naruto?" Hinata spoke as Naruto put in on speaker.

"Hinata? What do you need? I'm really busy right now." I put my hand on my mouth so I don't moan.

"Oh, sorry..I was just wondering if I could go with Sakura somewhere."

"Yeah sure." He said hanging up.

Hinata called again.

"By the way, Itachi is there at the store to pick you both up." She hung up.

"Fuck." I heard him mutter. Right then Itachi called.

"Where are you two? Come to the changing rooms." Naruto face palmed.

"Can you go to the food court? We're there." Naruto said.

"Ok." Itachi responded.

Naruto harshly took his member out making me moan loudly.

"S-Sasuke?." Itachi asked over the phone.

Naruto facepalmed. "Shut the fuck up, Itachi." He said hanging up.

"S-Sorry.." I apologize as his grip loosened and I fell down.

He zipped his pants and quickly picked me up, placing me on the bench.

"It's not your fault." He buttoned my shirt, kissing my neck.

He fixed my pants as I stared at him. I moved the his bangs from his face and kissed his forehead.

He smiled kissing my hand. He stood up giving me his hand, I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

I wasn't as steady as before but I could definitely walk with a limp. He cleaned my shirt fixing it with his hands.

We walked out and saw Itachi standing right there with his arms crossed. Naruto frowned.

"What are you doing here?," He stressed out the word "you." Itachi stared at him. "I thought we agreed to meet up at the food court, ITACHI."

"May I ask, what was going on in your brain that you fucked my brother in here, OUT OF ALL THE PLACES.?" Itachi hissed.

"I can fuck him wherever I want, it's none of your concern." he rolled his eyes. Itachi laughed facepalming.

"W-What's so funny.?" Naruto asked, "You're so dumb! It's making me laugh!" Itachi turned around.

"Let's just leave him here."

[Shortest chapter I've ever written.] 🤦🏾‍♀️

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