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"Naruto, take me out." The younger Uchiha demanded. "Why so suddenly? You want food?" Naruto spoke as he worked on a piece of paper. "I'm craving a lot of things, like tomato curry, tomato soup, just tomatoes—" and he went on and on..

"So basically anything that includes tomatoes in general?" The blonde laughed. "Yup." Sasuke bugged. "Alright, lets just head to a restaurant near by.," Naruto got up. "Okay and after that I wanna go to hot springs and maybe a amusement park."

"You really want me to go broke, don't you?" I held his shoulder to put my shoe on. "I'm just bored." He put an arm around my waist. "Where you wanna go first?" I asked. "Hot spring." I nodded.

"Let's hurry up before it gets too late!" I dragged him to my car since he was slow. "Geez.." he sighed. "Anyway, How was your day?" I asked, "it was good, for the most part." He said with an unbothered look. I smiled, "Can I play something?" He asked.

"Sure," he connected his phone to the car and played some songs until we got to the hot springs. He looked at me then leaned back in the car seat.

I got in the hot springs first, since Sasuke said he has something to do. I slowly got in, throwing my head back. It was quiet for a while until I heard a certain voice. "Let me guess, Sasuke brought you here?" I turn my head down and see Itachi in front of me.

"H-How long have you been here?!" I yell, "Long enough to see everything." He smirked and started laughing like a total maniac. I grew kind of red but shook it off. "Shut up." I mutter quietly, face palming. "It's fine. Don't be embarrassed, we have the same thing." He winked. cringey.

"What type of comforting is this." I glare at him. "A very good one." He laughed quietly. "Where's Sasuke?" He asked. "He said he'd be here soon." I replied. "Oh." He shrugged and leaned back, closing his eyes.


"Did you and Sasuke talk it out, just like I told you to?" He asked, being a little quieter. "I tried doing it just like you told me to but he just ignores the topic or doesn't respond to me." He nods his head. "Hm. Well, how's it going?" He asked. "It's fine to say the least."

"Talk to me later." Itachi says as the door opens. "Oh, you're here too, Itachi?" His face drops suddenly. He comes and sits beside me. "Yeah, but I'll be getting out."

Sasuke leaned on my shoulder. "Are you okay, Sasuke?" I asked, wrapping my arm around his waist. "I'm just tired." He closed his eyes. "C'mere." I hugged him, he hugged me back. Turns out he had a sudden boost of energy making him wide awake.

"Naruto." He looked at me, moving his hair aside. "What were you and Itachi talking about?" He moved closer to my thigh. "Just work and about you." I smiled trying to not look too skeptical. "Me? What about me?" He looked at me with degradable look.

"Just about..y'know, you staying with me and what not." I laugh as he smiled. "It's okay, you don't have to lie. Tell me when you feel like it." His eyes shifted on the water. I pulled him in a tight hug, "No, Sasuke. We really were talking about that." He looked at me, then smiled again.

"I trust you." He smiles. "We should get out, I'm hungry." He pecks my lips then gets up. "I'll be right behind you."


"Naruto! You have a call!" Sasuke yelled. "Pick it up !" I quickly put on some clothes and get there. Seeing Sasuke a little disturbed, I ask. "What's wrong?" I hug him from the back. "I don't know, it's some Gaara yelling over the phone." He passed it to me.


"Naruto, there you are."

"Yeah, why are you calling late at night? Is something wrong?"

"Was that your boyfriend?."

"Something like that." I laugh.

"What?" His tone grew deeper.

"That aside, why'd you call?" I ask.

"No no, who was that?"

"What do you mean? That was Sasuke?"

"Sasuke? As in Sasuke Uchiha?"


"Are you fucking with me? Did you not tell me that you broke up years ago."

"And we're back together." I answer.

"Are you okay? Did he lure you to forcibly date him? He is bad news, and you know that." He angered.

"Gaara, why are you so angry? We made sure it won't happen again."

"Lets talk later." He hung up.

"Who was that?" Sasuke asked, "just some friend of mine." He nodded. "Lets just eat." He sounded a bit upset. "Listen, it's nothing. Don't worry about it okay? I only love you." I kissed him softly. He kissed back roughly, getting me in the mood.

I held his waist, kissing back. I parted our lips away for him to breathe. "After eating okay?" He said in middle of breathing. "Fine."

Complicated Love (sasunaru)Where stories live. Discover now