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Itachi's pov

"That meeting was awfully long." I muttered, sighing. "I know right, but at least we got out early." Naruto yawned. "Are you tired?" I asked him. "Wouldn't say tired, just a little bored."

The car suddenly stopped, "Mr.Uchiha, there seems to be traffic up ahead." The driver looked at me, "Alright then, pull over to any nearby coffee shops please." I spoke. "Are you hungry Naruto?"

Naruto leaned back and looked at me, "I'm starving!" He groaned, "Alright, just sit tight." I assure him. "Seems like we'll be here longer than intended."

Third person pov,

Itachi and Naruto sat down at a table, waiting to be served. "Itachi," Naruto mumbled, Itachi was on his laptop doing some work. "hn?" His gaze still on his computer, Naruto rolled his eyes and stared at Itachi.

Itachi quickly shot him a look, "Yes, Naruto what is it?" he said softly. "Nothing, I was just thinking about something." He said as he drank his last bit of milkshake left. Itachi nodded, "I'll be finished in a few minutes." Itachi told Naruto and went back to his work.

An hour later,
Naruto's pov.

Itachi finally turned his attention back to me after an hour. I had laid my head down for a bit, a few seconds later I could feel him ruffling my hair. I opened my eyes and saw him smiling at me, "you're finally done?" I asked him while yawning. "Yeah, I've still got more but I'll finish up later." He spoke.

I nodded, "how was your nap?" He asked me as he drank his coffee, "I wasn't asleep, just laid my head down." I scoffed. "Shall we leave?" He asked me, I looked at the time, it was 3:10pm. "Okay, let's go!" I jumped up and walked outside. "It's a beautiful day, should we go to the beach? Or we can go to the park! Or maybe to an arcade?" I stretched my arms.

"Sure, where to?" Itachi laughed and asked me, "hmm, the park? We can get ice cream too! I love ice cream." I said while getting in the car. "I know, Naruto." He smiled, "hey man, I don't think I've told you this but I love your hair." I said, as I touched his hair.

"Thank you, Naruto."

"Can we switch ice creams? This is too minty for me." I gagged, while Itachi stared at me in disbelief. "Of course, here." He gave me his chocolate ice cream, "Wow this tastes really good." I mumbled, as he smirked devilishly. "I licked it, maybe that's why." He smiled at me, "oh my goodness!" I screamed, "why would you even say that." I face palmed, "lick mine up good, so we can switch back, okay?" I teased him, "yes sir, you got it."

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