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Me and Itachi were out with Gaara and some of his friends, we were having fun at the beach. It was getting late but it was a yacht party after all, I wasn't worried about getting home early. Today was our last day after all, and we had our flight back at 10am.

I was already half way wasted, Gaara was keeping an eye on me whilst Itachi talked to others. "Naruto, you sure you can't hold up this much liquor?" Gaara asked chuckling. I nodded, "I haven't drank in a while." I mumbled, taking a sip.

"Alright, don't get too wasted. This is already your second bottle." He patted my shoulder, as he got up. I knew I was going to be trashed by the morning. Suddenly, Itachi sat down beside me. He looked a little concerned for me.

"What's wrong, Naruto?" He asked, patting my back. "Nothings wrong, Itachi." I glanced at him, as the bartender gave him a drink. "You barely drink." He ruffled my hair.

"This is really good, you should try some." I chuckled, he shook his head in distress.

We spent the whole night just laughing at Itachi's dumb jokes, he was so out of line when he was drunk. We got home safely, thanks to Gaara. He was very generous and gave us medicine so we wouldn't have migraines.

Itachi woke me up panicked, I rubbed my eyes facing him. "Naruto, we gotta go." He said as he got up, "what's wrong?" I ask him, confused. "I just got a call from the hospital, something's wrong with Izumi." He said concerned.

I grew worried, "what do you mean?! Is she alright?" I ask as I got up, "I-I don't know yet, they said that she wasn't responding well." He hurried and went in the bathroom. I was very concerned for her, sure she did me wrong but I wasn't a terrible person, I have human decency.

I called Sasuke as I got dressed for our leave, he didn't pick up the first call. Maybe he was asleep, so I called him again. He picked up the second time.

"Naruto?" He mumbled in a sleepy voice. I informed him of what Itachi had told me, he didn't say anything which made me a little suspicious. "Sasuke.. is she fine?" I ask, he chuckled at that.

"No idea." He responded, "we're coming home now." I sighed, as Itachi got out of the bathroom. "See you, then." I could feel a smug expression on his face.

Something was wrong.

Me and Itachi were waiting in our seats for the plane to land. Itachi seemed more relaxed than before, he was still a little on edge about the sudden news. Deep down, I know he cared for her still.

He was probably panicked because he was used to her, not that he loved her but because that she was in his life for so long. Itachi was a very rational person, he was caring and practical. Thats why people relied on him the most.

"Itachi, are you alright?" I showed my concern. He nodded, "I'm fine, I was just in shock. Maybe I shouldn't have drank so much last night." He chuckled. I sighed, "I'm sorry for scaring you like that in the morning."

"It's okay, I just hope that she's alright." I say leaning back in my seat. "Can I ask you something?" He asked, looking serious. I nodded and sat up, "this might make me seem like a horrible person but, I don't feel anything. I don't feel sorry for her, I don't feel bad, I feel absolutely nothing." He spoke, I was a little taken aback.

"I feel like this is just another day in my life." He barely expressed his emotions to me, I didn't know what to say. "I don't think you're a bad person, and your feelings towards her doesn't justify who you are as a whole." I patted his shoulder.
"It's completely normal to not feel anything. You don't have to feel for her."

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