[𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪]

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𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙙 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣 𝙥𝙤𝙫:

Naruto went to open the door and found Sasuke standing nervously with extreme heat coming out of his cheeks causing him to blush. Naruto pretended that he just didn't tell Sakura his whole depressing story. Sasuke was about to speak but Itachi came in.

"Uh- Is everything okay?." Naruto said trying not to burst out laughing as the tension grew. The two just stared at each other. He quickly came in the doorway and hugged naruto. Naruto didn't hug back making Sasuke curious. "Dude, what're you doing?" Kiba said making both of the males flinch.

"K-Kiba!" Sasuke said frowning but trying to sound polite. "What?" Kiba crosses his arms. "Bastard." Naruto heard Sasuke say. "Get out Kiba." Sasuke groaned at him. "Just let him stay, it's not a big deal.." Naruto mutters. "Did you say something?" Sasuke looked at Naruto. "..no." Naruto sighed and pushed Sasuke off slowly. "Kiba, did Sakura send you?" I ask and he shrugged. Naruto facepalmed and went back to his room.

Sasuke pulled naruto's arm, "Wait!- Can we talk?" He said nervously. "Huh?" Naruto pretty much raised an brow. "Kiba, get lost." Sasuke pushed Kiba and hugged naruto. "Fine! I'm leaving!" Kiba puffed his cheek leaving the two alone. Naruto stood silent as Sasuke hugged him. "Naruto.." Sasuke whispered, "what?" Naruto responded back quickly.

"Can I lay down with you? Just for a while." Naruto dumbfounded by Sasuke, hesitatingly said, "S-Sure.." he sighed regretting his words.

Oh lord, why did I say that..

Sasuke smiled and hugged naruto tightly. Naruto closed his eyes, for about 10 minutes. Sasuke who had thought that Naruto fell asleep, whispered to himself.

"He's grown quite muscular, even his arm feels heavy." Sasuke said running his fingers down his biceps. "Ughh, when is the school starting again.." he rubbed his eyes.

"Next week." Naruto said without opening his eyes making Sasuke flinch. 'Oh my god, did he hear what I said earlier?!' Sasuke thought. "Oh..okay."

"Naruto, be honest." Sasuke muttered, the raven noticed that naruto's heart beat picked up the pace. "Do you even like me anymore?" Naruto almost didn't answer making Sasuke nervous. "I see.." Sasuke got up slowly, wanting to get back in touch with him.

"I did love you." Sasuke widened his eyes and hugged him tightly, without thinking about the blonds words. He kissed Naruto.

Naruto's pov:

Looks like he didn't hear me correctly, I want him to tell me what he had done. Fuck, I don't want to bring it up to his face..What if I move and stop contacting him? No, but i do like the idea of moving.

"Sasuke, Get off." I say blankly, "what?" He looks adorably at me. "I need to use the bathroom really quick, you've been laying on top of me for the past 20 minutes." I sigh and hug him, seeing him sad still makes me unhappy. "Nevermind." He gulps and tells me to go in the bathroom.

"No, use the bathroom." He moved away from me.

"Did you fuck him?" Sasuke asked aggressively. "What?" I said in confusion. Sasuke pointed at the texts. "Why are you going through my phone?" I snatch it back. "You're so disgusting. You hooked up with my brother while you were away." He pushed me violently which caused me to hit my head on the wall.

"What the fuck?! I did nothing!" I yelled at him. We argued back and forth until he got really pissed and started raising his voice at me. I was so fed up.

I pushed him aside and got my suitcase, thank god I hadn't unpacked yet. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?!" Sasuke got up and followed me outside. "What's going on?" Itachi asked as he heard the commotion. "Your brother thinks that we had sex on the trip!" I shouted as I stormed out.
Itachi had kept in touch with me after the incident, mainly because worked together and he was my friend. He told me he broke up with Izumi and moved out of the place not soon after I did. As for Sasuke, I was really mad and broke up with him on the spot.

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